
Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Cant Believe I Read

  Hey there! I'm going to mix it up by trying something I've never done before and that is the Top Ten tuesday posts! I was introduced to this by the lovely That Artsy Reader Girl blog and I have to say I am SO happy I did! I'm always looking for new ways to improve and expand my blog and I hope you all enjoy my first ever post about books I cannot believe I read (seriously I cannot believe I read some of this stuff.... let alone thought it was decent?) (this was clearly from my pre Sarah J. Maas and Leigh Bardugo days and is probably why I had such low expectations!)

 by: Kristin Cast

rating: 2/5
I didn't think this book was that bad when I started reading it but after I finished it and sat down and thought about it.... ya it was horrible. The plot lines were majorly cliche and the writing was a bunch of teenage stereotypes shoved into one sentence at a time. I was definitely disappointed seeing as I had gotten the whole series at a book sale and I just hated it so much I couldn't bring myself to pick up the second one. 

Red Queen
 By: Victoria Aveyard

Rating: 3/5
This book is a really hyped book and I read it way back when I first started on Goodreads and I didn't read any reviews going in and I have to say the whole thing fell flat. I wasn't in love with the characters I didn't really like the plot, and the surprise "villain" in the end wasn't even all that surprising. Like is this all you got Victoria Aveyard? Frankly I am disappointed (it is safe to say I did not continue to read this series and I am sorry if this offended any people out there who love this book. It is not an attack on you at all this book just personally wasn't for me) 

 By: Kate Birch

Rating: 3/5
  Okay so I read this book a realllllly long time ago and I vaguely remember enjoying it but not thinking that it was the best thing ever at the same time. I mean I liked the romance that was going on but the whole concept of the thing was strange. It was about this really small genetically engineered girl who the rich buy as pets after their taught manners and how to dress and eat properly... their essentially human dolls and looking back now I'm surprised I wasn't more disturbed or creeped out by this.

 by: Amanda Hocking

Rating: 4/5
This book wasn't bad either. It was actually quite unique being that it was about elves and a bit of magic and all that jazz. The writing however... just didn't do it for me. The world building was okay but I just found the whole thing a bit lacking in this department. Maybe because it was a dead ringer for The Vampire Academy at time and this just paled in comparison to that gem of a series. 

Until Friday Night
 By: Abbi Glines

Rating: 2/5
This book rubbed me the wrong way SOOO many times. I mean just the fact that it was so sexist at time and really painfully unrealistic I just can't believe I even finished it. I mean they new each other for all of five minutes and despite her whole "not talking to anybody bc of emotion damage" she ended up spilling her guts to the jerk (aka love interest) within the first five minutes of meeting?!?! Like whats up with that? Also that fact that after two weeks they were sleeping together? Like hello? I think these things deserve a little more time if you ask me.

Just One Day
By: Gayle Forman

Rating: 3/5
This book I can see being a solid read for some people but for me it was a snooze fest. I mean the whole book was incredibly boring to me and all I really remember is that the whole time they were looking for one another after a supposed "perfect" first day together and so on... I'll have to pass.

Map of Fates
by: Maggie Hall

Rating: 3/5
This book was the second book in the series and I have to say I LOVED the first book, A conspiracy of us but this book annoyed me SO MUCH! I did NOT like where the author took this book! The ending was so bleh and I really did not love the whole searching around the world for clues and stuff. Like it wasn't even all that glamorous like it was in the first book and I feel like if you travel around the world in a secret society you just need private jets and sparkly gowns to complete the whole thing. Loved the first book but this was sadly disappointing. 

Beautiful Creatures
by: Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohe

Rating: 4/5
This book I actually didn't hate however I'm just surprised I even got through it just because of how darn long it was! I mean there was several lull periods where not much was happening, and also it was out of my comfort zone for me because it was narrated by a guy POV and I usually only read girls POV so that was a new one for me. But overall I really loved the magic and the magical changing house was amazing (totally loved that!) overall I would recommend I was just surprised I stuck with it considering the lagging (sadly I have not continued this series although it is on my TBR) 

The Glittering Court 
 By; Richelle Mead

Rating: 3/5

This book was an utter fail in my opinion. It totally shattered my heart because Richelle Mead is the goddess that created The Vampire Academy series (which if you didn't already know from my obsessive taking about it, I LOVE THEM!) She also is the one to give birth to the all wonderful The Bloodlines series (which is also another AMAZING vampire series, if you have not read it READ IT!) This book just broke my heart because Mead tried to dip her toe into historical fiction and failed miserably. The amount of detail was lacking for what is standard for a historical fiction novel, and also she sandwiched in a bunch of stereotypes about being a "sassy" and "Strong independent women" in old fashioned times and she didn't do it in a way that was unique so I was just really let down. Also what was that plot? Like half of it was irrelevant things that had to no relation let alone was remotely interesting. The only reason this is a 3 stars is cause the romance was decent in the first half and I loved the dresses, without that it would have been a 2. 
Sweet Evil
 By: Wendy Higgins 

Rating: 5/5
LOVED THIS BOOK! AHHHH! I cannot scream at you enough to read this!!!!!! It may seem a tad cliche at first but please for the sake of your and my own sanity read it and finish it! This book will not disappoint! I went in mostly with a bit of curiosity because I had been seeing it so much on Good Reads lists that figure I had to give it a try because it had everything I loved (I mean hello supernatural and hot steamy romance)! This book was really interesting to me because I don't read a lot of books about demons and angels together and I thought this was done beautifully and I loved the ideas of the demons father watching over the half demon children! I guess I was surprised I read this only because of how long it took me to get my hands on it! And also the fact that it was a bit cheesy looking, but complete and utter gold on the inside! I look foreword to what Wendy Higgins writes next! 

 Have you read any book you can't believe you read? Books you regret or hated? Book that totally surprised you and you loved them? Please let me know in the comments below!!


Saturday, January 27, 2018

Warcross By Marie Lu (deliciously entertaining, I could not stop reading this and did not want it to end!)

Hi y'all! I hope your having a wonderful saturday! I for one am looking foreword to the down time that comes with not having to deal with the craziness that seems to consume the week days. I was able to get my hands on this fabulous book (shown below in that large image. Is the cover not beautiful?) and finished it in a matter of days (if you don't count the long period in which I finished two books after reading about 60 pages of this)
  Quick thoughts (for people too lazy to read all the review below, no judgement we all have our moments) LOVED THIS BOOK!!! please read it!! You will not regret! It is SO much fun and totally and completely entertaining you will not be bored! (I promise)
 Full review is below containing all my inner most thoughts and feelings (typed in all caps of course because this books is so good it deserves all the cap's and fan girling its going to get)!!

 By: Marie Lu

Rating: 4.5/5 stars

Summary: For the millions who log in every day, Warcross isn’t just a game—it’s a way of life. The obsession started ten years ago and its fan base now spans the globe, some eager to escape from reality and others hoping to make a profit. Struggling to make ends meet, teenage hacker Emika Chen works as a bounty hunter, tracking down players who bet on the game illegally. But the bounty hunting world is a competitive one, and survival has not been easy. Needing to make some quick cash, Emika takes a risk and hacks into the opening game of the international Warcross Championships—only to accidentally glitch herself into the action and become an overnight sensation.

Convinced she’s going to be arrested, Emika is shocked when instead she gets a call from the game’s creator, the elusive young billionaire Hideo Tanaka, with an irresistible offer. He needs a spy on the inside of this year’s tournament in order to uncover a security problem . . . and he wants Emika for the job. With no time to lose, Emika’s whisked off to Tokyo and thrust into a world of fame and fortune that she’s only dreamed of. But soon her investigation uncovers a sinister plot, with major consequences for the entire Warcross empire.

AHHHH THIS BOOK WAS AWESOME! It totally blew away my expectations in every regard!!! I want to scream at people who haven't read this book to READ IT!

 *pauses to collect myself*

I just loved how original and unique this whole plot was!!! I mean it takes place in a really cool futuristic version of the world in which the whole society is obsessed with playing the game Warcross which is essentially a very high tech version of virtual reality in which you become your avatar in virtual worlds. The fun continues with the Warcross glasses allowing you to see virtual add ons people buy for themselves in the real world. I mean it was just so immersive and I loved it!

“Every locked door has a key. Every problem has a solution.” 

 First of all I loved the characters. Emika was this amazing kick butt hacker who can figure out incredibly difficult coding problems in like less than a minute and this is what ends up catching the  attention of some interesting people.....

 Hideo was not what I was expecting at all. He had this very dark side to him that he was always trying to cover up with this illusion of being perfect and it was all very intriguing.

“It is hard to describe loss to someone who has never experienced it, impossible to explain all the ways it changes you. But for those who have, not a single word is needed.”

 I also LOVED all of Emika's team mates in the game. Hammie was my personal fav and I was shipping her and Asher 100% all the way ( I mean if marie lu decided to write a book about those two... *freaks out* I would read it in a heartbeat!!) Roshan is also extremely lovable and I love how protective and caring he is for all the members of the team, I just love him.

  It took me about 100 pages to really get into this book (which is pretty normal for a first book in a series because.... background info!) but once I was able to actually sit down and you know READ it took me all of two seconds (and a few hundred pages) and I was completely and utterly hooked!

“Everyone has a price.” 

 Emika starts off as this dirt poor (and I mean noodle eating, mattress squatting poor) girl who is just trying to get through life day by day in order to pay off her debt and get on with her life. In order to stay afloat she's a bounty hunter for the police where she signs up to catch criminals who are illegally betting on Warcross and I just love this about her because whats more kick butt then being an off the grid bounty hunter?!?! Like excuse me? Also if that wasn't enough she has a full head of rainbow hair to top it all off.

The writing and the story building is also INCREDIBLE I loved how original this story was! I don't read a lot of books that take place in the future (with the exception of time traveling books and dystopians) but this was totally cool because it was like looking through time in order to see just how technology reliant our society becomes and it felt so tangible and realistic and like this could really happen and ugh! I just could not get enough!
 I also really loved the stories of Emikas past and the way she described her relationship with her dad was really heart wrenching and I also loved how Marie Lu mixed in all his flaws with all his good qualities because it really helped me understand Emika better as a character without filtering out the bad.

And you know me in order for a book to be a true four star (Almost 5) there had to be some sort of romance/ and or relationship going on. So it comes as no surprise that when Hideo and Emika were thrown together lets just say some sparks were flying.

 They were super cute and electric and I loved them right from the start and started hard core shipping them after he whispered in her ear at the first Warcross opening party. I mean LOVE, RELATIONSHIPS am I right? (excuse how big of a sap I am, its just my uncontrollable nature coming out here)

“She was so beautiful. But beauty can make people forgive a thousand cruelties.” 

Plus there was some insane plot twists going on here?!?! I mean I pretty sure at one time some stuff blew up, and then there were some shocking sob story confessions and to top it all off a rival with some legit beef so I am proud to say I was happily entertained for about 90% of the time. The only reason this book wasn't a full five stars is because I kind of predicted the outcome (okay, I did) of a really big reveal about 100 pages before said reveal and that kind of ruined some of the magic for me. But overall I really loved this book and I was highly impressed with the originality of it and I don't think theres much out there quite like this book!

 So please, do yourself a favor and READ THIS BOOK! You will not regret it I swear and if your in a reading slump I can guarantee this book will get you out of it! (just trust me for crying out loud! :))  (theres romance, plot twists, good writing its a triple threat! whats stopping ya?)

 So that it for now. Read any good books lately? Read Warcross lately or are now inspired to do so? Have any other general/ random bookish thought to share? Chat with me in the comments below!



Sunday, January 21, 2018

How my taste in Romance Reads has Changed over the Years (My new expectations, low tolerance for fluff, and more)

Hey everybody! I hope your weekend is going good! I personally am not looking foreword to Monday tomorrow and am demonstrating my ignorance towards the world by crawling into a little hole in my house and searching new blogs endless online all while adding to my endless TBR.
(How I feel like should be after reading too many romance novel)

 I did however get a chance to finish up a couple of good books this past week reviews of which I have been telling myself to write up on Good Reads but for some reason I have been putting them off and crawling back into my shell of laziness and unproductiveness. I don't know if its because I'm a senior or if its because I'm dead inside but I have just been completely and utterly lacking in the motivation department lately. However on the flip side me avoiding my work has lead to a lot more extra time for reading! Hence my previous comment of finishing a few books! Both of which are:

 The Queen of Hearts by Colleen Oakes and The Problem with Forever by Jennifer L. 

They were actually surprisingly good but that might of been in part because of my extremely low expectations when going into reading... yet they both ended up with four stars on Good Reads so that must count for something am I right?

Anyways as usual I have babbled for way to long and I haven't even begun to talk about what I originally planned to. Curse my ability to go on about nothing for forever!
  Okay so Romance. For as long as I can remember I have been drawn to romance books my whole life. It started around middle school when I read the fluff from Sarah Dessen and then that grew into Pretty Little Liars and somehow grew into a love for intense utterly world shattering love stories that can be found in my current book obsessions (those of which include ADSOM and ACOMAF as well as Crooked Kingdom)

(I love 90's Rom coms shout out to my She's All That fans!)

 I think I've always been a hopeless romantic and I am just now starting to come to terms with it. I mean I did just watch two rom coms in a row last night... so theres that (and for those of you wondering they were Mamma Mia and Letters to Juliet and if you haven't watched them I highly recommend! Though I don't have very high standards, there no oscar winners but they will make you feel good none of the less)

  Whether its romantic movies, TV shows with the ultimate power couples, or books with the most daring love scenes I will be sucked in in a matter of seconds and have no regrets for doing so. So I guess I'll start from the beginning with romance books I first started reading way back when.

1.  The Age of High School Romance books (otherwise known as Insta-Love and High School Stereotypes)

We all have done it even if we won't admit it to ourselves we have read a book were the popular boy changes his ways and fall for the new girl or the book where the popular girl dates the geek. They usually contain some sort of homecoming dance or prom where the girl gets a makeover and steals the boys heart.

 Yes as silly as it is to admit now these simple minded plot lines where what melted my heart and raised my expectations of high school romance considerably. And though I probably shouldn't admit this after ratting on them I still love a good 90's rom com where the guy gets the girl (and yes there may be a makeover scene or two) but sometimes you just have to watch She's All That or Ten Things I Hate About You, its just a life necessity.

Examples of these types of romance reads include:

  Perfect chemistry, The Lovely Reckless, The Problem with Forever, What happened to goodbye)

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2. Paranormal Romance (Vampires, Werewolves, Somehow "hot" Aliens the whole enchilada)

 Okay I will admit I am a sucker for paranormal romance and still to this day will pick up a totally off the wall unrealistic book filled with blood sucking vampires that somehow have the ability to love even though they no longer have the ability to pump blood to their own hearts.
 Theres just something endearing about the forbiddeness of it all and the complex plot twists that go along with discovering their secrets.
 Many of my all of time fav paranormal reads include: The Vampire Academy, The Bloodlines, Paranormally, Obsidian, and I'm sure there more I just can't think of them at the moment.


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3. The Princess and Prince spin off Stories (Theres a castle, a handsome prince and a typically kick butt female lead what more could you want?)

 The classic telling of a mystery prince and a princess meeting, falling in love and doing everything in their power to protect it. These books typically consist of a runaway princess or a princess locked up in her castle and the prince runs across her in an unconventional way such as in the forest when she's caught up in a trap or when there thrown together in a situation in where they need each other to survive.
 I have read many fairytale retellings some of which are AMAZING and crazy original and others that are crazy predictable and are basically bad screen writes of the same fairy tale we have all long memorized by now. Like if I wanted the same story I would just turn on the Disney princess movie for crying out loud!

(Ex: The Lunar chronicles, Cruel beauty, Reign of Shadows, Heartless, The Queen of Hearts, The Kiss of Deception, and The selection)


4. The Mean Girls series where it switches multiple POV and they all have their own agendas and dirty secrets ( ex LA candy, Pretty Little liars, The Thousandth floor, The A-List) 

  I don't know about you but I have read A LOT of series where there is a bunch of back stabbing chicks out to get one another and half the time when I'm reading them Im thinking to myself What the heck it going on? Why did you just do that? That just crossed the line- I need to take a break and collect myself! I don't even know how the characters keep it together! But then I stick around because I end up getting invested in a relationship and also because I like to read about girls who do adventurous crazy things (maybe because I don't have the guts to do half the stuff these girls do)
  Also there is usually some sort of character or evil source that is trying to tear all the girls apart and in that case they group up together to try and stop it. This happens several times in The Thousandth Floor series and is pretty much all thats going on in Pretty Little Liars which I don't think I ever finished now that I think about it.
 Anyways I have kind of a love hate relationship with these kinds of books but I still find myself picking them up once and awhile just to bring back old reading memories.


5. Epic Romance (Fantasy unrealistic romance where its them against the World and no one can stop their love!)

 This is my ALL TIME FAVORITE! Mostly because it is all I read now and I really cannot get enough of it! I mean theres just so much love its like you can feel it in your own heart! (or maybe thats just my sappiness coming out again) never the less these books steal my heart as the characters steal each others hearts! ( yes I did just say that- embrace the cheesiness that is YA romance)
  These are the loves that usually come about because the two are truly destined to be together. Its not Insta- love, this romance takes time to mature and usually grows over time into a love in which they can treat one another as equals. The guys isn't always saving the girl, instead they save each other they are one anthers biggest strength and greatest weakness and without one another they would most likely fall apart.
 That being said their love is often the most complicated because they either have personal boundaries that keep them from loving one another or they have other forces working to tear each other apart. There is usually some sort of fantasy war or battle going on or a near death experience for one or both of the lovers and there is never a dull moment between the two! Ahhh I just love these books!

(Ex: A darker shade of magic, A Court of Mist and Fury, The Winners Curse, Six of Crows)


So there you have it! The complete list of how my romance reads have evolved over time from fluffy high school romance to intense action packed fantasy my love for romance may have changed but I don't think it will ever go away!

What about you? Have your romance tastes changed over time? Read any good romance books or watched a good rom com lately? Tell me in the comments below!


Monday, January 15, 2018

Books I Can't wait to Read in 2018!

     Hey guys! How's your new year going? Sticking to your New year resolutions? (stupid question I gave up on mine on January 1st!) Seeing as it is now Martin Luther King jr. day I can successfully say I have been able to finish about two really good books this year which I'm really excited about because I am finally getting out of my reading slump! The only thing about reading all these new books is that most of them are series and then I have to wait practically a whole year before I can get the next one (I try to read other books to forget about them but sometimes its hard and in those time I need ice cream!)  

(me when I realize I have to wait a year for the next book!!!)

 The exciting thing about it being a new year is all the new book releases we all have to look forward to! I personally have been building my TBR obsessively these past few weeks because it seems like everywhere I turn bloggers are catching my attention with all these new and fabulous releases! I mean theres some pirate stories, heists that take place in historical times (the inner history nerd in me is freaking out here), and of course the contemporary mystery about backstabbing (because I can't disrespect my roots here and considering contemporary is what triggered my love for reading I have to give back a little by reflecting on the good old contemporary days)  

Anyhow here are some of the book I am looking forward to reading the most this year! (I have to try and stay strong when it comes to my Good Reads reading challenge for this year!)                                          

                                                       By a Charm and A Curse

By: Jaime Questell

Summary: Le Grand’s Carnival Fantastic isn’t like other traveling circuses. It’s bound by a charm, held together by a centuries-old curse, that protects its members from ever growing older or getting hurt. Emmaline King is drawn to the circus like a moth to a flame…and unwittingly recruited into its folds by a mysterious teen boy whose kiss is as cold as ice.

Forced to travel through Texas as the new Girl in the Box, Emmaline is completely trapped. Breaking the curse seems like her only chance at freedom, but with no curse, there’s no charm, either—dooming everyone who calls the Carnival Fantastic home. Including the boy she’s afraid she’s falling for.

Everything—including his life—could end with just one kiss.

Does this book not sound amazing? A potential deadly kiss from a ice boy and a mysterious carnival for the setting of it all?!? Tell me I am not the only one freaking out here! 
I mean an ice boy! My brain is already spinning with all the possibilities! I have to thank Cait from paper fury for introducing me to this book! I now cannot wait to get my hands on it! 

To Kill A Kingdom

By: Alexandra Christo

Summary: Princess Lira is siren royalty and the most lethal of them all. With the hearts of seventeen princes in her collection, she is revered across the sea. Until a twist of fate forces her to kill one of her own. To punish her daughter, the Sea Queen transforms Lira into the one thing they loathe most—a human. Robbed of her song, Lira has until the winter solstice to deliver Prince Elian’s heart to the Sea Queen or remain a human forever.

The ocean is the only place Prince Elian calls home, even though he is heir to the most powerful kingdom in the world. Hunting sirens is more than an unsavory hobby—it’s his calling. When he rescues a drowning woman in the ocean, she’s more than what she appears. She promises to help him find the key to destroying all of sirenkind for good—But can he trust her? And just how many deals will Elian have to barter to eliminate mankind’s greatest enemy?

Okay I think I may be even more excited for this than the last book! It is just SO different from a lot of the YA books already out there right now. A spin on a story about the mythical Sirens who have become real! I am trying to contain my excitement and I am failing miserably. Plus there is a prince and a whole lot of betrayal! Yes please!

The Towering Sky

By: Katharine McGee

Summary: The final book in Katharine McGee's epic New York Times bestselling series, The Thousandth Floor.

It's New York City, 2118.

In Manhattan’s glamorous thousand-story supertower, millions of people are living scandalous lives. Leda, Watt, Rylin, Avery, and Calliope are all struggling to hide the biggest secrets of all, secrets that could destroy everything, and send their perfect worlds toppling over the edge.

Because every rise has a fall.

Okay this series has been an amazing ride and the last book completely took my breath away. I mean it was not was I was expecting AT ALL! There were parts of it I was completely in love with and others that made me want to throw something out of pure frustration. ( I mean your rich do you forget what money can get you?!?!) However all of that has somehow only fueled my need even more for this last book in the series. I am simotanously sad to see it end and happy at the same time (because I NEED closure) but I would not say no to more books in this series or a companion series!!

Lies You Never Told Me

By: Jennifer Donaldson

Summary: "A compulsive page-turner with a shocking twist--get ready to stay up all night!" --Sara Shepard, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Pretty Little Liars

Gabe and Elyse have never met. But they both have something to hide.

Quiet, shy Elyse can't believe it when she's cast as the lead in her Portland high school's production of Romeo and Juliet. Her best friend, Brynn, is usually the star, and Elyse isn't sure she's up to the task. But when someone at rehearsals starts to catch her eye--someone she knows she absolutely shouldn't be with--she can't help but be pulled into the spotlight. 

Austin native Gabe is contemplating the unthinkable--breaking up with Sasha, his headstrong, popular girlfriend. She's not going to let him slip through her fingers, though, and when rumors start to circulate around school, he knows she has the power to change his life forever. 

Gabe and Elyse both make the mistake of falling for the wrong person, and falling hard. Told in parallel narratives, this twisty, shocking story shows how one bad choice can lead to a spiral of unforeseen consequences that not everyone will survive.

This book rings so many bells for me because it just brings me back to my Pretty Little Liars days when all I would read was about petty high school girls who were too selfish and stupid to spill their guts about all the dirty secrets they knew. 

 That being said I secretly love selfish petty characters because I feel like that part of them is mostly surface level and then you get to the part where they make either decisions that setroy them with guilt to choices that override them with power and darkness ( i like the second option best...) 

I also have a complete and utter sot spot for bad boys or selfish popular guys sucking up their pride for a new girl who changes their minds about the way they see the world. That being said I am SO excited for this to come out and cannot wait!

My Lady Jane

By: Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, and Jodi Meadows

Summary: Edward (long live the king) is the King of England. He’s also dying, which is inconvenient, as he’s only sixteen and he’d much rather be planning for his first kiss than considering who will inherit his crown…

Jane (reads too many books) is Edward’s cousin, and far more interested in books than romance. Unfortunately for Jane, Edward has arranged to marry her off to secure the line of succession. And there’s something a little odd about her intended…

Gifford (call him G) is a horse. That is, he’s an Eðian (eth-y-un, for the uninitiated). Every day at dawn he becomes a noble chestnut steed—but then he wakes at dusk with a mouthful of hay. It’s all very undignified.

The plot thickens as Edward, Jane, and G are drawn into a dangerous conspiracy. With the fate of the kingdom at stake, our heroes will have to engage in some conspiring of their own. But can they pull off their plan before it’s off with their heads?

I have heard nothing but good things about this book and a lot of book bloggers have done nothing but rave about how wonderful this book is. Plus I am looking for something funny but clever with a good unpredictable plot and when I heard this would be about a heist I literally was SO excited!!! (*happy dance* 

( me when reading a good book and the couple finally has a moment!)

Anyways that pretty much sums up all the books I'm really looking forward to reading at that moment!

Do you have any good book are your TBR? Books you loved in the past? A favorite series maybe? Let me know in the comments below!

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Saturday, January 6, 2018

The Liebster Award! (How I was recently nominated and getting the hang of this whole blogging thing)


  Hey y'all I have some news!!! Recently I have been nominated for the Liebester award by the fantastically quirky Laughing Listener blog! This is my first nomination for an award and I am just so excited to be sharing it with you guys! If you haven't heard of the Laughing Listener be sure to check out her blog it is a ton of fun.  

The Rules:
  • Acknowledge, link back and thank the blog that nominated you
  • Display the award in your blog
  • List the rules in your blog
  • Give 11 random facts about yourself
  • Nominate 11 blogs
  • Notify them of the nomination
  • Give them 11 questions to answer

Want more information about the Liebster Award?? You can learn more about it HERE!

11 Random facts:
  • I have been blogging for less than a year
  • My favorite TV show of all time is Gossip Girl (blair and chuck 4 forever!)
  • Favorite food is MACROONS! (if you do not know what this is they are a delicious french dessert and are SO amazing) 
  • Favorite color is pink! 
  • Can literally roam pintrest for hours at a time (I have an obsession I know)
  • Can sew and have even designed and created my own homecoming dress
  • That being said I also love to fashion design and even tried my hand at fashion blogging before becoming obsessed with reading and book blogging!
  • I have two siblings
  • I have never traveled outside of the United States
  • I like cats more than dogs
  • I hoard fashion magazines like no bodies business 

  1. What is the story behind your blog name?
The name Bubbly Books was actually quite random for me, I think I came across something similar when I was scrolling through blog ideas on pinterest and it just really stuck with me! (Plus you know I thought it sounded cute)

2. Do you have a favorite (favorites?) book series and what is it?

I have a top three for my favorite series and they go in the following order:
- A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas ( the second one A Court of Mist and Fury is my all time fav ;) 
- Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
- and finally a recent favorite of mine (I literally love it SO much) A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Scwab

  All of these series have quite literally blown me away with how amazing they are. First off the writing in all of them is flat out INCREDIBLE and the world building is amazing. It's like I just completely melt into their worlds and forget my surroundings, its totally immersive and fantastic! The characters in all the books will make you FEEL I'm talking tears, hair tearing out frustration, and many other emotions! Love the bantering between the crew in Six of Crows and the sequel is even better if that even possible? Rhys and Feyre are my absolute loves in A Court of Mist and Fury and if you haven't read that series... READ IT! (Its just something you have to do) A Darker Shade of Magic is just so fabulous because of how crazy original it is and also the characters are flat out mysterious and fiercely loving (I cannot get enough!)

3. What motivated you to start your blog?

 I started my blog rather recently because I just started reading like crazy and I realized I had all these opinions about the books I was reading and I just needed to get them all out of my head and on paper (or in this case on a blog) Also the blogging community has been SO wonderful and I love sharing my opinions about books and hearing about what other wonderful books are out there from other fellow bloggers!

4. You can pick ONE fictional best friend. Who do you choose? (I’m so mean, I don’t even know how I would answer this question)

 Oh my gosh this is a hard one! I don't even think I know the answer to this! I guess if I had to pick I'd go with Thorn from the Cinder series because he's so flippant and hilarious and I just love him and Cress SO much!

5. If you could be a superhero, what would you want your power to be?

Reading peoples minds but only if I could turn it on and off and use it when I wanted too. I just think it would be so interesting to hear what people were thinking and it would take the guess work out of a lot of things. 

6. What’s the craziest thing you’ve done lately?

I haven't really done a lot of crazy things lately maybe spending literally more than my own weight on Christmas gifts because I'm extra and extravagant when it comes to gift giving! 

7. What Hogwarts House are you?

Um this may come as a shock to the book blogging community but I actually don't know what Hogwarts House I am? (I know I'm that person) 

8. Tell me who your fictional crushes/spouses are! Books, movie, TV shows—it’s a free for all!!

Oooh fictional crushes! On tv shows and in books?!?! This could take awhile- we probably need a list for this:

- LOVE Chuck and Blaire from Gossip Girl (they are my first TV show loves!)
- Nathan and Haley from One Tree Hill (if you have not seen that show you need to!)
- Damon and Elena from Vampire diaries (because Vampires thats all I need to say)
- Thorn and Cress from the Cinder series
- Feyre and Rhys from ACOMAF
- Rose and Dimitri from A Vampire Academy
And I'm sure theres a ton more I just can't remember them all right now!

9. What was the last TV show you binge-watched (BESIDES Stranger Things)??

I'm currently binge watching Son's of Anarcy and I LOVE IT! I love the motorcycles, the bad boys, all the gangs and the fights. It's all so entertaining and I just cannot get enough! Plus I love Tara and Jax the best! Love Opi and I love all the betrayal and the unpredictableness of it all! It is a little on the dark side but thats what makes it good right? 

10. Who’s your favorite author or authors?

-Sarah J. Maas
-Leigh Bardugo
-Marissa Meyers
-V.E. Schwab

11. What’s your book blog resolution for the new year?

My book resolution is to expand the amount of genres I read, normally I just stick to a bunch of fantasy and paranormal romance types of genres but I'm really looking to branch out this year! GoodReads is also really helpful because it opens my eyes to a bunch of books I wouldn't have ever found on my own. Also to just read more books this year and actually post more posts! (I'm trying to get more creative with my posts as well so if you guys have any ideas that would be awesome!) 

My Nominees:

My Questions:

  1. How long have you been blogging for?
  2. What is your favorite thing to do in the winter and why?
  3. If you could marry one fictional character who would it be?
  4. If you had the chance to compete on the Bachelor would you do it?
  5. Whats the best book you've read in the past month?
  6. Who are some of your favorite bloggers? (doesn't have to be book bloggers just all bloggers in general!)
  7. If you could eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be?
  8. Whats your favorite TV show and why?
  9. If you could only save three things from a fire what would they be and why?
  10. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
  11. Whats your book blog resolution for this year? (stealing this one! because I love it so much ;)