
Thursday, June 28, 2018

Book Review: Royals by Rachel Hawkins


by Rachel Hawkins

Rating: 5/5 stars


Meet Daisy Winters. She’s an offbeat sixteen-year-old Floridian with mermaid-red hair; a part time job at a bootleg Walmart, and a perfect older sister who’s nearly engaged to the Crown Prince of Scotland. Daisy has no desire to live in the spotlight, but relentless tabloid attention forces her to join Ellie at the relative seclusion of the castle across the pond. 

While the dashing young Miles has been appointed to teach Daisy the ropes of being regal, the prince’s roguish younger brother kicks up scandal wherever he goes, and tries his best to take Daisy along for the ride. The crown–and the intriguing Miles–might be trying to make Daisy into a lady . . . but Daisy may just rewrite the royal rulebook to suit herself.

This book surprised me in the most fabulous of ways!! First off this book was SO unbelievably fun I dont think I could stop laughing out loud at how outrageously funny this book was! It quite literally saved me from a potential book slump and for that reason alone this book deserves 5 stars!!

 I mean Daisy was the most hilarious relatable character I had read about in a long while. She was just so quick and witty and honestly I kind of stopped and thought... wait is this me? because I would totally say something that snarky?!? (well maybe not quite as often as her... but I would definitely be thinking it) 

“He just showed up like a posh vampire I accidentally invited in, then couldn't make leave.”

When I first started this book I thought it would be a cute light read but it really was so much more entertaining than all that! I felt like I was watching an episode of The Royals on E! it was so plot twisty and drama packed! 

I loved how the royal family was not what you expected it to be (especially the dashing prince Sebastian), ugh and the KILTS omg every two seconds daisy would be drenched in plaid and Miles would be in kilt as well and tons of other guys (yet he still managed to look good? like you know he’s cute when he can pull off a kilt) and I just thought it  was SO much fun!! 

 Miles was a cutie I would like to take home and cuddle up on the couch with! The way he put air fresheners in his shoes was so adorably quirky I couldn’t help but be intrigued... also I love-hate how reluctant both Daisy and Miles are towards their feelings for one another! It was infuriating yet made their cute moments sooo much more satisfying!  

 The sister relationship was also very spot on- and by that I mean the right amount of infuriating mixed with unconditional love. There were times when I wanted to punch Ellie for her ignorance and other times where I thought to myself, well they wouldn’t be sisters if there wasn’t tension... actually the whole family is quite lovable and I love how Daisy gets all her jokes from her Dad the two of them are like two peas in a pod and I love them! 

“...all that matters is the truth as you know it, and as the ones who love you know it.” 

 There wasn’t a dull moment and I quite literally devoured this book in all of two days and I’m not even sorry! This is the type of book I was missing lately in my mix of fabulous YA reads and I am SO happy I took a chance on it and decided to read it regardless of the ARCS calling my name. If you have not read this book I HIGHLY recommend you do especially if you need some cheering up because it will just make you smile uncontrollably!

Thoughts? Adding this to your TBR or no? Already read it? Gush about it with me in the comments below!

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Discussion Post: Why does YA not write Rom-coms anymore?

So here I was sitting on the couch scrolling through GoodReads like any good bookworm knows and a thought occurred to me that for some reason was quite shocking...

 There are like no rom-coms in YA anymore?!?!

 As you can imagine this came as quite a shock to me being the obsessive romance reader I am and I came to wonder why don’t we have as many light romance reads anymore?

It seems like just yesterday all that YA consisted of was Sarah Dessen and the Pretty Little Liars series (both of which I read... gave up on PLL on book 6 or something like that) now every time I see a new YA book out for release its either lacks romance all together or is a very intense romance that literally sucks the soul out of you (not that I don’t love those but sometimes my little heart needs a break)

Any who I have a few questions on the matter...

Why are female characters never girlie anymore?

 I get it in some books girls need to kick ass and I LOVE when girls can kick some serious butt and be amazing and all that but how come girls can’t kick butt and still care about girly things like clothes, or sparkly unicorns? Also how come in order to be tuff girls in books- such as YA fantasy- can’t ever be sensitive or cry and instead shove it all deep down inside?!? You can still be tuff and be vulnerable!!! In fact I think that makes a character more complete because there’re just more real when they leave it all out there!

What happened to all the fluffy little gumdrops of books that used to make me laugh and smile in delight? Because lately its as if they all disappeared!?!

 It seems to me that all the books I have picked up that are YA seem to be revolving around some all or nothing world saving, earth shattering plot line where the fate of everything quite literally rests upon a seventeen year old girl.... and I’m over here trying to figure out how to not burn toast or dye of heat stroke? Like nope can’t relate. Don’t get me wrong I can see the appeal of this plot. Their problems are not my problems and the need to escape into a fabulous magical world and all but sometimes I just want to laugh at something so utterly hilarious because it literally could be my life, and I’m just not finding that in a lot of todays YA.

Are people truly tired of this genre? because I could definitely use some more of it...

 It saddens me to think that todays audience might not appreciate or even want a Rom-com anymore... because I believe it is an essential part of the YA reading experience! After you read an intense Fantasy or contemporary and you just want a book that makes you feel good thats when you reach for the fluffy, completely unrealistic romantic comedy at the bottom of your pile of books!! Regardless of what some people may deem as unnecessary in todays Young Adult I believe there is still an audience for these books and that we need more of them!

Examples of books that I think portray a beautifully nice modern YA rom-com:


Not that I don’t LOVE some of the YA currently out there (believe me there is some AMAZING stuff out there that I will literally scream at you to read- I’m looking at you Cruel Prince) for example:

(if your looking for some good non rom-com examples)


Rom-com like reads coming out this year that I am super psyched for: 

Anyways what are your guys thoughts? Do you think YA should have more rom-coms or are you burnt out on the subject? Let me know in the comments below I’m curious to see what you guys think!

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Blog Tour A Cowboys SweetHeart by Crista McHugh: ARC Review/Giveaway

 A COWBOY'S SWEETHEART (Rodeo Academy #1)

 By: Crista McHugh

Published on: June 25, 2018

Rating: 4/5 stars

Find it: GoodreadsAmazonB&NiBooksTBD 

Summary: Pampered New York Socialite and dressage rider, Kensington Pope, has been exiled by her jet-setting parents to her aunt’s Rodeo Academy in Wyoming. She wants nothing to do with the rough and tumble students there, especially one particularly handsome cowboy, Javier. But she won’t be there for long. She has a plan in place to break out after her next international competition.

Javier Cruz takes one look at the spoiled city girl and instantly dismisses her. The school of tough knocks has already educated him on what the important things in life are, and he has bigger things on his plate. He’s counting down the days until his eighteenth birthday when he can pull his younger siblings from the foster care program and reunite his family. But as he gets to know Kensi, he sees a kindred spirit and discovers there’s more to her than meets the eye. 

Kensi begins to question her desire to flee the ranch as her relationship to Javier deepens and she learns the importance of family. But when he discovers her escape plan, will he be able to trust her again? And when tragedy comes to the ranch, will Kensi be able to step up and take her place in the family?

My Review:

A huge thanks to Netgalley and Victory Editing for an advanced copy of this book!

This book was a whole lot of fun! I personally have always loved a good southern gentleman mixed in with my YA (hello has anyone else seen The Hannah Montana Movie? Because that cowboy was fine) and this book definitely did not disappoint.  I loved the classic trope of rich city girl meets struggling (but admittedly handsome) cowboy to sweep her off her feet and make her fall in love with the country. 

 Kensington was super relatable and snarky and I completely agree with her reluctance to live in the middle of nowhere and her sassy comments were quite literally my exact thoughts(even if they were a bit extreme at some times) also loved the classic family situation where her aunt and uncle were not crazy about letting her in at first but then they eventually warmed up to one another.

 Also on a different note the romance was totally cute and heartwarming *swoon* and damn where can I find myself a cowboy? 

Definitely recommend this book to those in need of a good light read with a really enjoyable romance and super light plot (perfect beach read!) lovers of the longest ride will really enjoy this!! 

About the Author:

Crista McHugh is a NEW YORK TIMES and USA TODAY BESTSELLING author of fantasy and romance with heroines who are smart, sexy, and anything but ordinary. She also writes fantasy with a little less kissing and bit more action (outside the bedroom) as C. A. McHugh.
Growing up in small town Alabama, Crista relied on story-telling as a natural way for her to pass the time and keep her two younger sisters entertained.

She currently lives in the Tesla-filled suburbs of Seattle with her husband and two children, maintaining her alter ego of mild-mannered physician on the occassional weekend.

Just for laughs, here are some of the jobs she’s had in the past to pay the bills: barista, bartender, sommelier, stagehand, actress, morgue attendant, and autopsy assistant.
And she’s also a recovering LARPer. (She blames it on her crazy college days)

Find Crista online at:


Giveaway Details:

1 winner will win a Kindle Fire 7, US Only.
1 winner will win a $20 Amazon GC, US Only.

Rafflecopter link:

Tour Schedule:
Week One:
6/25/2018- Bubbly BooksReview
6/25/2018- Sophie Reads YAReview

6/26/2018- Never Too Many To ReadGuest Post
6/26/2018- Cindy's Love of BooksReview

6/27/2018- Here's to Happy EndingsExcerpt
6/27/2018- StoreyBook ReviewsSpotlight

6/28/2018- A Gingerly ReviewExcerpt
6/28/2018- BookHounds YAInterview

6/29/2018- Demi ReadsReview
6/29/2018- The Cozy Reading CornerExcerpt

Week Two:
7/2/2018- Books & Other PursuitsReview
7/2/2018- The Phantom ParagrapherReview

7/3/2018- Books a Plenty Book ReviewsSpotlight
7/3/2018- ParajunkeeExcerpt

7/4/2018- books are loveReview
7/4/2018- underneath the coversExcerpt

7/5/2018- Two Chicks on BooksInterview

7/6/2018- The Reading LifeSpotlight

7/6/2018- Jaime's WorldSpotlight

What about you guys? Read any good cowboy books? Did this one make your TBR or no? Let me know in the comments below!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

WWW Wednesday

 Hey guys! Whats up? Happy Wednesday. I can not believe it is already halfway through the week already! This week has just been crazy busy between working and juggling summer events, I can’t seem to catch a break ever since school ended.

Thankfully I am here and so far surviving... well sort of my sleep levels are not so great... but you know its not like I’m tired or anything *yawns repeatedly while writing this post*

Ok so lets talk reading. Reading has been pretty good for me this month thank god for the library or else I would literally have a negative balance in my bank account! I am currently super sucked into SJM Throne of Glass series (if you have not read these books or any of SJM books for that matter than what are you doing with your life?) Also I am super torn on what to read next? I wanna read the next TOG book but Im also craving some cheesy romance.... priorities people!!

On a different note I started to do some writing of my own now that I have some extra free time (I am LOVING summer and all this free time *happy dance*) and to say I have no idea what I am doing would be an understatement (grammar is literally the WORST thing ever.. but you now I’m dealing) but I’m enjoying myself so theres that?

What I am currently reading:

The Ghost and the Goth by Stacy Kade and Midnight Blue by L.J. Shen (just started this last night ;)

The ghost and the goth is cute.. but I don’t know if I’ll get the chance to finish it I’m only a hundred or so pages in and its due back at the library soon *ugh* Midnight blue seems pretty intriguing so far... I recently discovered LJ Shen and LOVE her writing (I just find her so funny for some reason?)

What I just finished reading:

Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas

SOOO good!! Omg I have a totally new and crazed obsessed with Rowan and LOVE him so much my heart hurts *heart eyes*

What I plan on reading next: 

Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas

Hopefully I will get the chance to read this book because this series is AMAZING! But I need to read a couple ARCs first so we shall see...

What about you? What are you currently reading? Just finish something amazing?!? Let me know in the comments below!

Saturday, June 16, 2018

The Sunshine blogger award

Hey guys!! So glad to be back blogging! I was lucky enough to be nominated by the lovely Lorette @LaughingListner so if you haven’t checked out her blog yet please go do so imediently!!


  • Thank blogger(s) who nominated you in the blog post and link back to their blog.
  • Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.
  • Nominate 5-11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
  • List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or in your blog


  1. What was the last movie you saw in a movie theater? Good? Bad? Terrible??
Love Simon and it was AMAZING!! Super cute and love filled and I just loved every second of its adorable awarkwardness!

2. Do you have any tattoos and can you share them?

 Um... gonna have to go with no on this one, sorry guys

3. What fictional character do you most identify with?

 For some reason I really felt a connection with Jude from The Cruel Prince. Just her thought process is a lot like how I think when I’m faced with difficult situations and her and I argue in similar ways. 

4. Is there a food that you absolutely can’t stand?

 mushrooms, and onions not a big fan of those.

5. What’s your favorite book to movie/television adaptation?

Gonna have to go with The Hunger Games because Jennifer Lawrence really makes those movies unbelievable and they are an awesome adaptation if you ask me. 

6. What’s the worst book you’ve ever read or one that you really can’t stand?

The Glittering Court by Richelle Mead... complete and utter disappointment and fail because Richelle Mead is one of my favorite authors (where are my vampire fans at?) and this book just fell completely flat for me. 

7. What was the last concert you went to?

SHAWN MENDES yes I am a fangirl and yes I am obsessed with this guy!! *swoon*

8. Is there a movie that really scared you as a kid?

 This is kind of a weird one but I was always afraid of The Polar Express when I was a kid.. I guess the music and the dark train just sort of freaked me out for some reason???

9. What’s your favorite reading format? Hardcover, paperback, e-reader, etc.

 I’m gonna have to go with Hardback just because they are easy to open and read but they are a pain to travel with so I always try and travel with paperback when I have the chance. 

10. If you could put a house anywhere in the world and money wasn’t a problem, where would you put it and what would it look like?

 Hmm.. this is a hard question if I were to keep it in the US it would have to be either in New York (a killer apartment bc friends and sex in the city have inspired me too much not to) or southern California (a nice modern beach house) but if money were no object and I could have a place anywhere in the world I am really into Barcelona, Spain and think a Villa type of house there would be incredible!! Love this question!! 

11. Is there a book you love, but don’t completely understand why?

 Splintered by A.G. Howard! It was a little weird and creepy but in a good way? I totally got sucked into this series and I still cannot explain why?!?!

My Nominations (no obligation to do this!):

My Questions:

1. If you could jump into any book what book would it be and why?
2. What book would make a really good movie? TV show?
3. Fictional character you would date in real life if you had the chance?
4. If you could travel anywhere (real or fictional) where would you go and why?
5. What is your favorite movie? TV show? 
6. What is the one beauty product you cannot live without?
7. Is their a character from a movie adaptation that you like better than in the book?
8. If you could only wear one outfit for the rest of you life what would it be?
9. Mermaid or Fairy?
10. Coffee or tea?
11. If you could recommend me a book what would it be? 

I tag everybody reading this post!
What about you guys? Read any books you loved but don’t understand why? Books you just really did not like? Let me know in the comments below! 