
Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Mini Hiatus Announcement

Hey fellow bloggers and lovers of books I’m posting this today because I will be starting college!!

 That being said I’m not sure how my schedule is going to be so I will be going on a brief hiatus (aka a break from my usual blogging). I hope I can keep posting somewhat regularly but for the next couple of weeks I will be settling in to a new place so I want to keep my blogging schedule flexible for those reasons!

 I will most likely be posting mainly reviews for a little while as I have a few ARCS that still need their reviews published on time but I do hope to mix in a few other posts somewhat soon. And lastly a huge thank you to all of my fellow readers that take the time to stop by Bubbly Books! I truly appreciate all your support and its so amazing that you stop by my blog to talk books :)

Till next time


Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Book Review: Rule by Ellen Goodlett


By: Ellen Goodlett

Published on: September 11th 2018

Rating: 3/5 stars

Summary: Three girls with three deadly secrets. Only one can wear the crown.

The king is dying, his heir has just been murdered, and rebellion brews in the east. But the kingdom of Kolonya and the outer Reaches has one last option before it descends into leaderless chaos.

Or rather, three unexpected options.

Zofi has spent her entire life trekking through the outer Reaches with her band of Travelers. She would do anything to protect the band, her family. But no one can ever find out how far she's already gone.

Akeylah was raised in the Eastern Reach, surrounded by whispers of rebellion and abused by her father. Desperate to escape, she makes a decision that threatens the whole kingdom.

Ren grew up in Kolonya, serving as a lady's maid and scheming her way out of the servants' chambers. But one such plot could get her hung for treason if anyone ever discovers what she's done.

When the king summons the girls, they arrive expecting arrest or even execution. Instead they learn the truth: they are his illegitimate daughters, and one must become his new heir. But someone in Kolonya knows their secrets, and that someone will stop at nothing to keep the sisters from their destiny... to rule.

Magic, mystery, and blackmail abound in this sensational and striking fantasy debut.

   This wasn’t a bad book. In fact there was a lot of elements I definitely did enjoy, such as the fighting for the crown, the romances sprinkled in, as well as the mystery and deadly secrets. However I just felt this book fell a little flat when it came to the book overall.

Okay so Rule is a book that follows three sisters on their quest for the throne:

  • Florencia (aka Ren)- who has a bit of an upper hand growing up within the castles walls
  • Akeylah- The shy reserved Easterner with an eye for the Queen
  • and Zofi- The wild traveler who is ready to jump into a fight in a blink of an eye 

 Zofi was hands down my favorite and while she may be a tad cliche YA fantasy (especially with all her anti dress motives and kickassery in fights) I just felt like she was way more fun for me to read! Her daring impulses really just made me smile. Plus I really liked how Valrid and Zofi had a little thing going on... but than it was like he disappeared half way through the book and I was like no?!? Come back and then I only get one more dance between the two? I just felt like the romance could have been a little bit more spiced up?? Overall I was just feeling like I wanted more (it was very meh).

 Akeylah in the beginning was one of the characters chapters that I dreaded and every time I saw her name I couldn’t help groaning (theres always that one character when theres multiples POVS that you try to like but really at the end of the day they drive you mad) However I did end up liking her a bit more towards the end! That said overall I found her terribly boring and snooze worthy. Plus the f/f relationship with the Queen Rozalind was also very MEH!! What is with the romances in this book?!?! I need some more SPICE people because quite frankly these smooches were quite tasteless and made me feel nothing (which is quite hard to do considering I ship EVERYTHING).

 Florencia I didn’t love but I respected her. Plus Danton can go shove it because I thought they had a spicy secret rondavu and than I was like... nope Danton get out. You can just leave because I am so not cool with you right now. I also liked how they had history before we even met him... I thought that was interesting because so many books I read with love interests start from the two just meeting so that was cool. I also liked Florencia because she was tuff in a more calculating way unlike Zofi who just goes straight for her travelers knife Ren’s weapons were more court based tactics which I loved!

 I also like the bonds of sisterhood  I thought the author did a really good job of drawing out the sisters hatred for one another only to have them lean on each other. 

  Overall this book was an easy read and while the plot did move at a reasonable pace I just wasn’t as invested as I wanted to be? I felt like it was hard for me to connect with the characters because it seemed like there really wasn’t much for me to connect with! I needed more in depth relationships between characters, and I ached for more rich writing to really draw me into the suspenseful parts of this book! Because believe me when I say this book had all the right ingredients to be a total and complete five star read. In a word this book was very meh. Enjoyable and likable but overall just meh. 

 **A huge thanks to Netgalley and Little Brown Books for Young Readers for an advanced copy of this book! This did not in any way affect my opinion and my thoughts are my own**

What about you guys? Is this book on your TBR? Have you ever read a fantasy book you thought could be more? How so? Let me know in the comments below!

Thursday, August 16, 2018

TV Thursdays: 5 Shows I’m Dying Waiting for the Next Season

Happy Thursday everybody! I’m aware that I missed a week of TV chatting (oops) however I’m back at it again this time with some of my new favorite shows and how I’m DYING waiting over here for the next season!! (its like the producers want to kill me with suspense or throw my heart out the window with cliffhangers- there is no respect for my fragile emotions here)

1. Rise (season 2)

  • I loved the first season of Rise- teens finding their own voice, testing boundaries, all mixed up with some buzz worthy family dynamics and relationships; so naturally I’m thrilled for a potential season 2. 
  • This show is not afraid to push the limits when it comes to broaching touchy topics but it does so in a way that is hard to not pay attention to. This show ropes you in by making you care about the characters in a way in which its almost impossible not to get attached! ( I especially love Matthias) 
  • I literally cannot wait for season 2 especially after that ambiguous ending?!? I do not know what is in store and I need to!!

2. The Residents  (season 2)

  • Ahhh I love this show!! Easily one of my new favorite TV addictions lovers of Grey's Anatomy and basically any other doctor show will fall completely head over heels for this show! 
  • First of all I love all the characters in this show and would literally lay my heart on the line for them (which I seem to be doing repeatedly especially with the PLOT TWISTS ughh) 
  • Second of all CONRAD HAWKINS is my baby and anyone that tells me he is not irresistibly smart and charismatic and AMAZING obviously does not appreciate him!! In other words I need season 2 like now.

3. Royals 

  • Okay okay okay lets talk about this show. If you do not watch this show than quite literally what are you doing with your life!?! No seriously. This show is amazing and we all need it. 
  • The DRAMA is real in this show!! Seriously just embrace all the over the top dramatic ness because it is what makes this show so much damn fun. Also Jasper and Eleanor= my love and they are EVERYTHING! Prince Liam is also a cute little bastard whom I love, The Queen may drive me mad but in the best way (Im always a sucker for a character whose a little mad) 
  • Any who after that season finale I need this ASAP! I miss the drama *cries dramatically* 

4. Legacies (season 1)

  • *calling all lovers of the Originals/ Vampire Diaries* I repeat *calling all fans of hot vampires and blood filled dramatics* This series is scheduled to air in October and follows Hope Michelson the Daughter of Klaus Michelson and Haley Marshalls daughter.
  • I really am just in this because of my never ending love for The Originals (namely Klaus) and also there are a few ships I am just complete trash for so of course I’m watching this. 

5. The Bachelor 

  • My ULTIMATE Guiltily Pleasure!! Bachelor Nation is real people and completely out of control!
  • Any guesses as to who the next bachelor will be? I’m thinking either Jason or Blake? But than again they might pull a wildcard like they did with Aerie (yuck) 
  • Any who always excited for another season of this addicting trashy nonsense!! (and for all you non watchers it only takes one episode before your hooked I recommend looking for other members of #bachlornation is you suffer from obsessive tendencies related to the Bachelor)

What about you do you watch any of these shows? If not any your interested in starting? Shows you love that are not mentioned here? Let me know in the comments below!

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

TEASER for Dirty Headlines by L.J. Shen!

 Hey guys SUPER excited to be sharing this teaser with you all!! As you all know one of my favorite new authors is L.J. Shen (the Queen of Smut) and I was amazingly able to reach out and tag along for the book tour for her newest release:

 DIRTY HEADLINES!! (*fan girling* *squealing* *popcorn throwing/eating*)

You all NEED to read this
 For those of you who have not heard of L.J. Shen she writes amazing love stories for those of us who like a good ruff around the edges, complex, and enthralling bad boy love interest mixed with an intriguing and not your typical female MC!

 Seriously L.J. Shen can WRITE good characters that make you so invested... even when the characters are doing some crazy stuff or morally grey things you can’t help but secretly root for them even if a part of you is mad at them for being such an ignorant prick.

Anyways onto the sneak peak of her new book:

Dirty Headlines

by: L.J. Shen

Published: September 2018

Célian Laurent.

Manhattan royalty.
Notorious playboy.
Heir to a media empire.
... And my new boss.

Dirty Headlines, an all-new sexy, enemies-to-lovers romance from USA Today bestselling author L.J. Shen is coming September 7th and we have a sexy new teaser just for you!

Add to GoodReads

To be notified when DIRTY HEADLINES is live, sign up HERE

Sarah Ferguson, Junior Publicist

So what do you all think? One for your TBR or not your thing? Read L.J. Shen before? Lets chat in the comments below!

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

WWW Wednesday

Hey everybody Happy Wednesday! We have officially made it to the middle of the week *claps excitedly* as someone who is literally counting down the days I have left until college.. the pace at which August is going is slightly unnerving to say the least...

Anyways because of all this stress and packing my reading has not really been up to par... *coughs nervously and avoids eye contact* anyways here what I’m supposed to be reading... (drops pics of books/ runs away)

(oh ya almost forgot this little tid bit)

If you haven’t heard of WWW Wednesday its when bloggers answer the following 3 questions about their reading:

  • What did you recently finish reading?
  • What are you currently reading?
  • What do you plan on reading next?
Recently Finished:

Bane by L.J. Shen: I liked this book however I had mixed feeling on a couple of parts (it went a little tooo far with the outrageous plot connections I was like no way this mojo would ever happen in real life?!? In fact it was even a little too far fetched for the book world... like what??) but I did like the two MC’s so theres that.

Currently Reading:

Crazy Rich Asians by Kevin Kwan: I actually read some of this last night *high fives all around* 

Reading Next: 

Ummm I dont know?!?! Please help me out with some book recommendations my state of reading is a total blur and I really have no idea what I’m reading next *please send help*

What about you all? What are you guys currently reading? Finish anything great recently? LMK in the comments below!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

If you liked Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo than you would also like...

 Hey guys happy Tuesday! I feel like this month is already whizzing past (I seriously do not know where the time went... probably off some where with my motivation to read)

 Its been a few days since I’ve posted something and thats mainly because I have been in a total funk lately and cannot seem to get anything done for the life of me?!? I think it has something to do with me starting college soon... and being in a totally state of DENIAL. I have so much to pack and so much to do and so little time to do it all... and *ugh* than the funk came.

 So in light of all that I have decided to try something new here on the blog! Lately I cannot get Sarah J Maas's two series out of my head and it got me to thinking I should do some book recommendations based off of popular favorites in order to kill some of the time (and PAIN) that comes along with waiting a gazzilion years for the next book to come out (the waiting is pure torture TORTURE I tell you)

If you liked.....

 Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

Than you would like....

Summary: In this stunning debut, author Scott Lynch delivers the wonderfully thrilling tale of an audacious criminal and his band of confidence tricksters. Set in a fantastic city pulsing with the lives of decadent nobles and daring thieves, here is a story of adventure, loyalty, and survival that is one part "Robin Hood", one part Ocean's Eleven, and entirely enthralling... 

An orphan's life is harsh — and often short — in the island city of Camorr, built on the ruins of a mysterious alien race. But born with a quick wit and a gift for thieving, Locke Lamora has dodged both death and slavery, only to fall into the hands of an eyeless priest known as Chains — a man who is neither blind nor a priest.

A con artist of extraordinary talent, Chains passes his skills on to his carefully selected "family" of orphans — a group known as the Gentlemen Bastards. Under his tutelage, Locke grows to lead the Bastards, delightedly pulling off one outrageous confidence game after another. Soon he is infamous as the Thorn of Camorr, and no wealthy noble is safe from his sting.

Passing themselves off as petty thieves, the brilliant Locke and his tightly knit band of light-fingered brothers have fooled even the criminal underworld's most feared ruler, Capa Barsavi. But there is someone in the shadows more powerful — and more ambitious — than Locke has yet imagined. 

Known as the Gray King, he is slowly killing Capa Barsavi's most trusted men — and using Locke as a pawn in his plot to take control of Camorr's underworld. With a bloody coup under way threatening to destroy everyone and everything that holds meaning in his mercenary life, Locke vows to beat the Gray King at his own brutal game — or die trying...

 This book has been compared to Six of Crows in the best possible ways and is said to have to same dark edge and morally grey characters that keep me glued while reading Six of Crows for the first time (hello Kaz Breker) this book looks hecka good and I kinda wanna read it now that I just finished reading the summary again... so if you loved Six of Crows I highly recommend giving this a try!


Ace of Shades by Amanda Foody 

Summary: Welcome to the City of Sin, where casino families reign, gangs infest the streets…and secrets hide in every shadow.

Enne Salta was raised as a proper young lady, and no lady would willingly visit New Reynes, the so-called City of Sin. But when her mother goes missing, Enne must leave her finishing school—and her reputation—behind to follow her mother’s trail to the city where no one survives uncorrupted.

Frightened and alone, Enne has only one lead: the name Levi Glaisyer. Unfortunately, Levi is not the gentleman she expected—he’s a street lord and a con man. Levi is also only one payment away from cleaning up a rapidly unraveling investment scam, so he doesn't have time to investigate a woman leading a dangerous double life. Enne's offer of compensation, however, could be the solution to all his problems. 

Their search for clues leads them through glamorous casinos, illicit cabarets and into the clutches of a ruthless Mafia donna. As Enne unearths an impossible secret about her past, Levi's enemies catch up to them, ensnaring him in a vicious execution game where the players always lose. To save him, Enne will need to surrender herself to the city…

And she’ll need to play.

I read this book back in March and ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT! It was the first ARC I read where I was truly blown away and impressed! This book has been compared to Six of Crows by multiple readers I however don’t really agree that it is a spin off of the series I think this book has a lot of unique components and a slow burn romance that will have you swooning (perfect for fans of Kaz and Inej) check out my review HERE 

What about you all? Have you read Six of Crows? If so do think you’d give these books a try or have you already read some of them? Let me know in the comments below!

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

WWW Wednesday

Hey everybody happy Wednesday! Sooo if you’ve been reading my previous posts you know I am dangerously close to tumbling down into a reading slump... UGH... which I haven’t experienced for quite some time and am hoping (fingers crossed) that I can avoid before total disaster.

 In case you didn’t know WWW Wednesday is a meme in which bloggers answer the following three questions:

  • What did you recently finish?
  • What are you currently reading?
  • What do you plan on reading next? 

 I have however been jumping through a few titles this past week hoping to spark my interest and all, so hopefully something great will pull me out of this mess. If you have any suggestions I am completely open to hearing some AMAZING books recs!

What did you recently finish?

  • Jock Row by Sara Ney: Super cute read with lots of witty banter and a slow burn romance that will have you rooting for them like no other!
  • Rough Ride by Gillian Archer: This was an ARC and not a bad read overall if your into some bicker drama meets russian mafia plot twists ;)
  • (P.S. click the links to read my review!)

What are you currently reading?


  • Bane by L.J. Shen: Liking this so far L.J. Shen is quickly becoming one of my new favorite authors she is just so refreshingly funny and manages to make complex characters that I can’t help but get invested in! I highly recommend checking out her books if you have not read her before *thumbs up*
  • Rule by Ellen Goodlett: Trying to stay on top of my ARC’s and this book has been surprisingly really good so far so fingers crossed this continues
  • 180 Seconds by Jessica Park: I’ve only read a few pages of this and put it on hold because I wasn’t feeling it at the moment though it looks promising (also the cover=love) 

What do you plan on reading next?

  • Crazy Rich Asians by Kevin Kwan: I’ve been looking for something light and this looks all kinds of funny so hopefully I’ll get around to reading this before its due back at the library

What about you all? Been reading anything good lately? Any new authors really impressing you? Also drop me some book recs I’m in desperate need of AMAZING books so  anything would be appreciated! 