I am however two books ahead of my reading challenge right now so thats good *thumbs up*.
I picked up this fun little tag over at Methotheany! She’s an amazing blogger and I highly recommend checking out her blog if you haven’t!!
1. Best book you’ve read so far in 2019
- OMG I cannot even express in words how much I love love love this book!! The characters. The world building. THE MAGIC. and of course the amazing fiesta fluffy deliciously dangerous romance!! its all so well done and structured (Plus the ending *mouth hits the floor* perfection!!)
2. Best sequel you’ve read so far in 2019
3. New release you haven’t read yet, but want to
4. Most anticipated release for the second half of the year

- Holly Black. Leigh Bardugo. Sarah J Maas. Need I say more?
- But seriously I am so excited for Crescent City because ACOTAR is my all time favorite series (by the way when do we get more of those?!?) but I will love anything she writes *heart eyes*!!
5. Biggest disappointment
- This book was good just not as good as I had wanted it to be :\\ a good quick read with Fae world building and evil Fae lords. A little romance. A little deviousness. Not bad.
6. Biggest surprise
- Did NOT expect to love this as much as I did!! So glad I picked up this series this year!! One of my all time fav series for sure ;))
7. Favorite new author (debut or new to you)
- Kate McGarry writes super cute romances and I really liked both of these!
- Fonda Lee is a great writer the world building is a high asian themed fantasy and I loved it! The book was a little slow but very different from what I usually read so I liked it.
8. Newest fictional crush
- LJ Shen writes the ultimate book boyfriends!! LOVED PRETTY RECKLESS!! I loved how LJ Shen incorporated complex multilayered characters that defied stereotypes as well as complex family dynamics. I feel like complicated families are not focused on in enough books.
- LEGEND!!! he was so complex and played so many mind games and I never new what he was thinking!! I loved trying to figure him out!! Ultimate complex book BF!!
9. Newest favorite character
- Pretty much all the characters in this series!! Loved Tella she was both equal parts badass and girly girl. Legend of course. Also like Scarlett and lets not forget about the little rascal Julian. I even had a small soft spot for Jacks.
10. Book that made you cry
- OMG that one part in this book made me so. sad. I was like no no no no no this is NOT how it will be. I repeat this is not how it will be. Tip tissues might be needed.
11. Book that made you happy
- I love myself a good little fluffy/steamy/ sometimes even a tad cliche romance and thats why this books just made my heart happy. They fueled all my feels and I love a good fluffy fluff romance with my chai latte.
12. Most beautiful book you’ve bought so far this year (or received)
- All of these covers are so PRETTY!!! ooooh ahhh
- I recently received an ARC of The Art of Breaking things and just think the cover is so stunning. I cannot wait to read it!!
13.What books do you need to read by the end of the year?
- I am very very much behind on new releases and popular old releases so I’m hoping to get around to these at some point soon!!
- Also need to get around to reading the Descendant of the Crane because I have an ARC and also because I heard it was pleasantly surprising with a killer ending twist.
- Sorcery of Thorns is another blogger fav people have been raving about and I really think I would enjoy the Wicked Saints!
14. Favorite book community member
Not gonna answer this because I totally have multiple favorite members and I think everybody in the blogging community is just so amazing and friendly!! I SIMPLY CANNOT CHOOSE.
What about yall? Can you believe the year is almost over?? Read any good books? Read any of the above? LMK in the comments below!!