by: Kristin Cast
rating: 2/5
I didn't think this book was that bad when I started reading it but after I finished it and sat down and thought about it.... ya it was horrible. The plot lines were majorly cliche and the writing was a bunch of teenage stereotypes shoved into one sentence at a time. I was definitely disappointed seeing as I had gotten the whole series at a book sale and I just hated it so much I couldn't bring myself to pick up the second one.
Red Queen
By: Victoria Aveyard
Rating: 3/5
This book is a really hyped book and I read it way back when I first started on Goodreads and I didn't read any reviews going in and I have to say the whole thing fell flat. I wasn't in love with the characters I didn't really like the plot, and the surprise "villain" in the end wasn't even all that surprising. Like is this all you got Victoria Aveyard? Frankly I am disappointed (it is safe to say I did not continue to read this series and I am sorry if this offended any people out there who love this book. It is not an attack on you at all this book just personally wasn't for me)
By: Kate Birch
Rating: 3/5
Okay so I read this book a realllllly long time ago and I vaguely remember enjoying it but not thinking that it was the best thing ever at the same time. I mean I liked the romance that was going on but the whole concept of the thing was strange. It was about this really small genetically engineered girl who the rich buy as pets after their taught manners and how to dress and eat properly... their essentially human dolls and looking back now I'm surprised I wasn't more disturbed or creeped out by this.Frostfire
by: Amanda Hocking
Rating: 4/5
This book wasn't bad either. It was actually quite unique being that it was about elves and a bit of magic and all that jazz. The writing however... just didn't do it for me. The world building was okay but I just found the whole thing a bit lacking in this department. Maybe because it was a dead ringer for The Vampire Academy at time and this just paled in comparison to that gem of a series.
Until Friday Night
By: Abbi Glines
Rating: 2/5
This book rubbed me the wrong way SOOO many times. I mean just the fact that it was so sexist at time and really painfully unrealistic I just can't believe I even finished it. I mean they new each other for all of five minutes and despite her whole "not talking to anybody bc of emotion damage" she ended up spilling her guts to the jerk (aka love interest) within the first five minutes of meeting?!?! Like whats up with that? Also that fact that after two weeks they were sleeping together? Like hello? I think these things deserve a little more time if you ask me.
Just One Day
By: Gayle Forman
Rating: 3/5
This book I can see being a solid read for some people but for me it was a snooze fest. I mean the whole book was incredibly boring to me and all I really remember is that the whole time they were looking for one another after a supposed "perfect" first day together and so on... I'll have to pass.
Map of Fates
by: Maggie Hall
Rating: 3/5
This book was the second book in the series and I have to say I LOVED the first book, A conspiracy of us but this book annoyed me SO MUCH! I did NOT like where the author took this book! The ending was so bleh and I really did not love the whole searching around the world for clues and stuff. Like it wasn't even all that glamorous like it was in the first book and I feel like if you travel around the world in a secret society you just need private jets and sparkly gowns to complete the whole thing. Loved the first book but this was sadly disappointing.
Beautiful Creatures
by: Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohe
Rating: 4/5
This book I actually didn't hate however I'm just surprised I even got through it just because of how darn long it was! I mean there was several lull periods where not much was happening, and also it was out of my comfort zone for me because it was narrated by a guy POV and I usually only read girls POV so that was a new one for me. But overall I really loved the magic and the magical changing house was amazing (totally loved that!) overall I would recommend I was just surprised I stuck with it considering the lagging (sadly I have not continued this series although it is on my TBR)
By; Richelle Mead
Rating: 3/5
This book was an utter fail in my opinion. It totally shattered my heart because Richelle Mead is the goddess that created The Vampire Academy series (which if you didn't already know from my obsessive taking about it, I LOVE THEM!) She also is the one to give birth to the all wonderful The Bloodlines series (which is also another AMAZING vampire series, if you have not read it READ IT!) This book just broke my heart because Mead tried to dip her toe into historical fiction and failed miserably. The amount of detail was lacking for what is standard for a historical fiction novel, and also she sandwiched in a bunch of stereotypes about being a "sassy" and "Strong independent women" in old fashioned times and she didn't do it in a way that was unique so I was just really let down. Also what was that plot? Like half of it was irrelevant things that had to no relation let alone was remotely interesting. The only reason this is a 3 stars is cause the romance was decent in the first half and I loved the dresses, without that it would have been a 2.
Sweet Evil
By: Wendy Higgins
Rating: 5/5
LOVED THIS BOOK! AHHHH! I cannot scream at you enough to read this!!!!!! It may seem a tad cliche at first but please for the sake of your and my own sanity read it and finish it! This book will not disappoint! I went in mostly with a bit of curiosity because I had been seeing it so much on Good Reads lists that figure I had to give it a try because it had everything I loved (I mean hello supernatural and hot steamy romance)! This book was really interesting to me because I don't read a lot of books about demons and angels together and I thought this was done beautifully and I loved the ideas of the demons father watching over the half demon children! I guess I was surprised I read this only because of how long it took me to get my hands on it! And also the fact that it was a bit cheesy looking, but complete and utter gold on the inside! I look foreword to what Wendy Higgins writes next!
Have you read any book you can't believe you read? Books you regret or hated? Book that totally surprised you and you loved them? Please let me know in the comments below!!