
Sunday, October 1, 2017

Things I Love about Fall (and hate..) and how the Books I Read Change with the Seasons

2017 Discussion Challenge:
 Hey guys! So I just recently heard about this challenge created by It Starts At Midnight  and Feed your Fiction Addiction where you can post anything you want as long as it promotes discussion amongst fellow books bloggers and readers! Since this is my first time participating I thought I would talk about something I've been meaning to bring up but haven't gotten around to, and that would be..


Autumn is officially here! For those of you who love the colder season this is a blessing that brings all things pumpkin spice, things that are bitter, and weather thats filled with ice. Others who praise the summer season are trying to hide their disappointment under layer after layer of clothing and change the channel every time Hocus Pocus comes on on TV.

 In my opinion I have a love hate relationship with fall. I'm definitely more of a spring baby. I like warm weather. The feeling of the sun on my face, tanning poolside, or just soaking in the sunshine is such a mood booster for me. I mean whats nicer than getting to read a really good book by the beach? I do have to admit that I see the appeal of reading by the fireplace when the weather turns chilly, but bottom line, I would choose surf over skiing any day.

 I truly believe the weather affects your mood. On a sunshiny day I'm instantly more awake and alert. I'm twice as likely to go outside and maybe get in some exercise. When the sun disappears over the horizon or is covered in a thick layer of fog I often feel more sluggish and struggle more to get through the day. This is probably why the spike in the purchasing of pumpkin spice lattes go up, because I know I couldn't survive a fall day without my caffeine! With all these weather changes going on its only natural that the type of books I read change as well!

 I'm WAY more likely to pick up a holiday themed book during christmas time or thanksgiving time. I just feel weird reading about christmas in books when I'm sitting here in the middle of July. (just doesn't feel right you know?) Some of my favorite books I like to curl up to in the winter time are books that take place in the winter season. For me this means plenty of winter weather!


It just doesn't feel like a winter book if they don't include loads of snow and/or snowmen! Some of books I've read that do winter justice would have to be:

The Iron King by: Julie Kagawa
This book does some serious justice when it comes to winter. I mean hello? They had a whole icy winter court and everything! Plus it was complete with its own set of dashing royalty, all of which had ice in there hearts (I'm looking at you prince Ash!) This world was magically crafted with ice powers that could stop a person from breathing, thick layers of snow, and mysterious dark powers that could only loom in the season of darkness! If you haven't read this series I highly recommend them they will take up your entire winter break I promise you that.

Frostfire by: Amanda Hocking

I read this book several years ago but I still remember the plot clearly and know that it is about a girl who works for a secret community of elf-like creatures who are on a quest for something. (Ok so maybe I don't remember the plot so clearly, but I remember it being pretty good.) The book was a solid three stars, not the best book I've ever read but entertaining nevertheless. I mean its a total winter book (as you can tell from the beautiful winter themed cover to the left) and takes place in Canada (which I hear is stunning especially in the winter. So much untouched nature out there) Anyways this book is perfect for the Fall and Winter seasons and I highly recommend checking it out.

Frostbite (vampire academy #2) by Marissa Mead

This book is legit winter to a T. It takes place during the schools winter break where they all take a trip up to a ski resort. I'm talking plush fur throws, hot cocoa, and fresh powder to tear up on the slopes! Not to mention all the drama and romance that gets thrown in there (lets just say Dimitri's got some competition now..) Also romantic grand gestures, ski mishaps and more make this a must read winter novel!

 I was trying to come up with some good thanksgiving type of books but really I haven't read many that focus that much on that holiday (although there was a scene in Sweet reckoning, which is the third book in the sweet evil trilogy) And as far as halloween books go there are tons of them crawling out there. I can name like two scenes in some of my favorite books that just so happened to be at a halloween dance:

  •  Bloodlines series- Adrian sees Sydney for the first time all dressed up in a sexy grecian goddess costume and OMG this scene is so adorable it will forever melt my heart when I think of it! But of course Sydney had to go with another guy in order to vamp up the amount of lust Adrian has for her (wow I seriously didn't catch the vampire pun by adding in the word vamp but now I'm totally keeping it ;)) 
  • Also in the Sweet Evil series when Ana dresses up as the wicked witch of the west and she's literally covered in green paint from head to toe and a sexy black dress to match. Ladies I'm just going to put it out there Kaiden in that scene... very, very hot! 
It seems halloween just brings out the evil in people (and the lust. I mean so many sexy outfits!) Anyways have any fall things you can't live without? More of a summer baby like me? (trust me I feel your pain!) Do your book choices change with the season too? Let me know in the comments below. Thanks for stopping by :)

- BubblyBooks


  1. Honestly, I'm not really sure if the season affects my reading choices. Over the last two years, I've noticed that I read more nonfiction and contemporary YA in the summer and fantasy in the winter, but I'm not sure that that's enough to indicate a pattern yet. I partly say that because I've been wanting to read more contemporary overall anyway.

    Now that you mention it, I haven't seen any books that spend much time on Thanksgiving. I wonder why that is.

    1. I totally agree with trying to read more contemporary! Lately I've been so swept up in YA fantasy and paranormal that I've kind of put Contemporary books on the sideline but I'm trying to read more! Thanks for stopping by! :)

  2. So Australia really doesn't have Fall like this.😂 So I don't get any of these kind of vibes that everyone's always blogging about! We have autumn, but it generally isn't that much cooler until winter hits us. :P But I do love all the autumn colours you guys have!

    1. I didn't even think about Australia not having a fall! It doesn't really get super cold until winter around here either, and I totally agree with the fall colors. I just love the autumn colors around fall time! (I mean the trees! So beautiful!) Thanks for stopping by :)

  3. Oooh yes, I feel your pain haha. Like, I think I don't mind fall in theory, but the fact that winter comes after it makes me all kinds of sad. I definitely prefer the promise of summer coming in spring! But I do agree about the books- I almost exclusively read snow-y books in winter, and almost only read scary books around Halloween. Such a fun post, and I am so glad you found and joined our challenge!!

    1. Right! Winter makes me so much more tired and I just want to stay in bed all day and drink hot chocolate. Plus I feel like reading winter books during winter just makes it all the more magical (its like your really there!)

  4. I hate cold weather, so I'm not looking forward to that part of fall lol. But yes! I know some people love reading Christmas books year-round, but I only like them during the holiday season. And I love reading wintery books when it's cold! It just makes them better somehow lol. I have Frostfire, maybe I should give that one a read this winter!

    1. Ya reading Christmas books in the summer just feels weird you know? Plus when you read a holiday book during the holidays and they talk about baking all the holiday foods! I mean thats like the best parts of the holidays and I get to read about them too! Amazing! Also definitely give Frostfire a chance, its really cute and takes place in a really cool wintery place!

  5. First off, welcome to the discussion challenge! I don't really change books according to the season, but I guess if I'm going to read books about a specific holiday (like Christmas), then I read them near that holiday. It would feel weird to read Christmas books in July!

    1. Thank you! I'm so glad I found this challenge! So glad you agree that reading holiday books not during the holidays feels strange (nice to know I'm not the only one) thanks for stopping by :)
