Hey y'all I have some news!!! Recently I have been nominated for the Liebester award by the fantastically quirky Laughing Listener blog! This is my first nomination for an award and I am just so excited to be sharing it with you guys! If you haven't heard of the Laughing Listener be sure to check out her blog it is a ton of fun.
The Rules:
- Acknowledge, link back and thank the blog that nominated you
- Display the award in your blog
- List the rules in your blog
- Give 11 random facts about yourself
- Nominate 11 blogs
- Notify them of the nomination
- Give them 11 questions to answer
Want more information about the Liebster Award?? You can learn more about it HERE!
11 Random facts:
- I have been blogging for less than a year
- My favorite TV show of all time is Gossip Girl (blair and chuck 4 forever!)
- Favorite food is MACROONS! (if you do not know what this is they are a delicious french dessert and are SO amazing)
- Favorite color is pink!
- Can literally roam pintrest for hours at a time (I have an obsession I know)
- Can sew and have even designed and created my own homecoming dress
- That being said I also love to fashion design and even tried my hand at fashion blogging before becoming obsessed with reading and book blogging!
- I have two siblings
- I have never traveled outside of the United States
- I like cats more than dogs
- I hoard fashion magazines like no bodies business
- What is the story behind your blog name?
The name Bubbly Books was actually quite random for me, I think I came across something similar when I was scrolling through blog ideas on pinterest and it just really stuck with me! (Plus you know I thought it sounded cute)
2. Do you have a favorite (favorites?) book series and what is it?
I have a top three for my favorite series and they go in the following order:
- A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas ( the second one A Court of Mist and Fury is my all time fav ;)
- Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
- and finally a recent favorite of mine (I literally love it SO much) A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Scwab
All of these series have quite literally blown me away with how amazing they are. First off the writing in all of them is flat out INCREDIBLE and the world building is amazing. It's like I just completely melt into their worlds and forget my surroundings, its totally immersive and fantastic! The characters in all the books will make you FEEL I'm talking tears, hair tearing out frustration, and many other emotions! Love the bantering between the crew in Six of Crows and the sequel is even better if that even possible? Rhys and Feyre are my absolute loves in A Court of Mist and Fury and if you haven't read that series... READ IT! (Its just something you have to do) A Darker Shade of Magic is just so fabulous because of how crazy original it is and also the characters are flat out mysterious and fiercely loving (I cannot get enough!)
3. What motivated you to start your blog?
I started my blog rather recently because I just started reading like crazy and I realized I had all these opinions about the books I was reading and I just needed to get them all out of my head and on paper (or in this case on a blog) Also the blogging community has been SO wonderful and I love sharing my opinions about books and hearing about what other wonderful books are out there from other fellow bloggers!
4. You can pick ONE fictional best friend. Who do you choose? (I’m so mean, I don’t even know how I would answer this question)
Oh my gosh this is a hard one! I don't even think I know the answer to this! I guess if I had to pick I'd go with Thorn from the Cinder series because he's so flippant and hilarious and I just love him and Cress SO much!
5. If you could be a superhero, what would you want your power to be?
Reading peoples minds but only if I could turn it on and off and use it when I wanted too. I just think it would be so interesting to hear what people were thinking and it would take the guess work out of a lot of things.
6. What’s the craziest thing you’ve done lately?
I haven't really done a lot of crazy things lately maybe spending literally more than my own weight on Christmas gifts because I'm extra and extravagant when it comes to gift giving!
7. What Hogwarts House are you?
Um this may come as a shock to the book blogging community but I actually don't know what Hogwarts House I am? (I know I'm that person)
8. Tell me who your fictional crushes/spouses are! Books, movie, TV shows—it’s a free for all!!
Oooh fictional crushes! On tv shows and in books?!?! This could take awhile- we probably need a list for this:
- LOVE Chuck and Blaire from Gossip Girl (they are my first TV show loves!)
- Nathan and Haley from One Tree Hill (if you have not seen that show you need to!)
- Damon and Elena from Vampire diaries (because Vampires thats all I need to say)
- Thorn and Cress from the Cinder series
- Feyre and Rhys from ACOMAF
- Rose and Dimitri from A Vampire Academy
And I'm sure theres a ton more I just can't remember them all right now!
9. What was the last TV show you binge-watched (BESIDES Stranger Things)??
I'm currently binge watching Son's of Anarcy and I LOVE IT! I love the motorcycles, the bad boys, all the gangs and the fights. It's all so entertaining and I just cannot get enough! Plus I love Tara and Jax the best! Love Opi and I love all the betrayal and the unpredictableness of it all! It is a little on the dark side but thats what makes it good right?
10. Who’s your favorite author or authors?
-Sarah J. Maas
-Leigh Bardugo
-Marissa Meyers
-V.E. Schwab
-Sarah J. Maas
-Leigh Bardugo
-Marissa Meyers
-V.E. Schwab
11. What’s your book blog resolution for the new year?
My book resolution is to expand the amount of genres I read, normally I just stick to a bunch of fantasy and paranormal romance types of genres but I'm really looking to branch out this year! GoodReads is also really helpful because it opens my eyes to a bunch of books I wouldn't have ever found on my own. Also to just read more books this year and actually post more posts! (I'm trying to get more creative with my posts as well so if you guys have any ideas that would be awesome!)
My Nominees:
My Questions:
My book resolution is to expand the amount of genres I read, normally I just stick to a bunch of fantasy and paranormal romance types of genres but I'm really looking to branch out this year! GoodReads is also really helpful because it opens my eyes to a bunch of books I wouldn't have ever found on my own. Also to just read more books this year and actually post more posts! (I'm trying to get more creative with my posts as well so if you guys have any ideas that would be awesome!)
My Nominees:
- Run away with dream thieves
- The Sassy Book Geek
- Word Weaver
- Brilliantly Bookish
- The Book Moo
- Reading with Rendz
- Painfully Fictional
- A Whisper of Ink
- Forever and Everly
- Blots of Ink and Words
- Darque Dreamer
My Questions:
- How long have you been blogging for?
- What is your favorite thing to do in the winter and why?
- If you could marry one fictional character who would it be?
- If you had the chance to compete on the Bachelor would you do it?
- Whats the best book you've read in the past month?
- Who are some of your favorite bloggers? (doesn't have to be book bloggers just all bloggers in general!)
- If you could eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be?
- Whats your favorite TV show and why?
- If you could only save three things from a fire what would they be and why?
- If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
- Whats your book blog resolution for this year? (stealing this one! because I love it so much ;)
Mind reading where YOU were in control of turning it on and off would be absolutely amazing. Although, I'm sure we'd still hear things we'd wish we hadn't. :-)
ReplyDeletehaha I'm sure thats true but I still think it would be interesting and all! Thanks for stopping by :)
DeleteCongratulations! :D I'm that person too who has no idea what house I'm in because I love all the four , haha. Sons of Anarchy is sooo good, I'm so glad you're enjoying it because I haven't come across many who like it (or even watched it :( )
ReplyDeletehahaha I know it SO hard to choose which house! And yes! So glad to have found another person out there who loves Sons of Anarchy as much as I do!
DeleteCongrats on your Liebster Award, and welcome to the world of book blogging!!! I am also addicted to Pinterest!! It's my favorite place to spend time online.
ReplyDeleteThank you!!! Pinterest is so addicting I spend way too much time on there as it is :)