
Sunday, February 11, 2018

Anti Valentines Day Book Tag! (Books that are basically anti-romantic mushy feelings and a whole lot more action!)

Hey guys! Happy Sunday! I'm sure you guys all know valentines day is right around the corner and as usual you can find me holed up in my house probably watching some outrageously unrealistic rom-com and eating see's candies. While I'm sure some of you are fans of this over commercialized holiday- I however am not one of them. Its not that I'm against that holiday in general its just that in my history valentines day has always been an uneventful weekday the highlight of which is the heart shaped candy that accompanies it.

 So in honor of my feelings towards this day of love I have created the Anti-Valentines day book tag in which I ask you all what books you have read that are basically anti mushy feelings, happy endings, or anything that holds a candle to Ten Things I Hate About You or The Notebook (if you have not heard of said romance movies than I suggest this valentines day you acquaint yourself with them ASAP) The goal is simple: just follow the rules listed below and answer the questions!

Rules of the tag:
1) Link back to the blog that tagged you!
2) Answer the 10 anti valentines day questions provided
3) Come up with your own 10 anti valentines questions
4) Don't forget to tag ten of your favorite bloggers!


1) Name a character that annoys you for no apparent reason.

2) Whats a book you read that ended in total heartbreak?

3) Whats a book where one of your fav characters doesn't make it?

4) A character thats a total buzz kill?(we have all experienced that downer character that sometimes you wish would just go away!)

5) A book in which  the dread love triangle makes an appearance?

6) Name a book filled with action packed fighting scenes.

7) A book in which the older brother causes issues for the main couple?

8) A really sad book that makes you cry your eyes out while simultaneously breaking your heart?

9) A book filled with blood and gruesome scenes you can't get out of your head?

10) Whats your favorite anti-valentines day movie?

My Answers:

1) Name a character that annoys you for no apparent reason.
Megan chase bothered me for some reason! Its like every time she was in danger she would do the stupidest things! And also she would never listen to Ash or anything he said about danger, I don't know she just bothered me for some reason.

2) Whats a book you read that ended in total heartbreak?
 This book was INTENSE! The good kind however (one of my all time favorite series to be exact) However the ending of these book always left me in pieces and quite literally ripped my heart out and continued to stomp on it repeatedly (although this is also one of the reasons I LOVED this series because it made me FEEL THINGS!) So if you need a book with anti instant love or mushiness I highly recommend this series. 

3) Whats a book where one of your fav characters doesn't make it?
Okay I'm not going to give away who died here for obvious reasons (spoilers..) but this ending crushed me and quite literally ruined me for all future Alice in Wonderland spin offs in the future.

4) A character thats a total buzz kill?(we have all experienced that downer character that sometimes you wish would just go away!)
The main character, Zoey Redbird (which is such a book name now that I think about it) was a complete clueless and idiotic teenage girl who's personality was pretty much a toxic combo of every teen stereotype known to man. Her attitude towards everything was completely toxic and is what made her a total buzzkill for me.

5) A book in which  the dread love triangle makes an appearance?

Okay, okay so I just finished this book (like yesterday) and there wasn't a flat out love triangle going on... the whole thing was a lot more subtle than all that but there was DEFINITELY a love triangle vibes! I trust my instincts here...

6) Name a book filled with action packed fighting scenes.
I will forever rant about how AMAZING this series is because I just love it so much!! This whole series has great action scenes and there is quite literally never a dull moment! I mean theres fighting evil vampires, evil classmates, undermining villains... the list goes on! The perfect series if your not feeling valentines day this year!

7) A book in which the older brother (or best friend/ other sibling) causes issues for the main couple?
So this book would have to fall under the best friend category when it comes to this question... and by that I am referring to Blue and Adam while having Gansey hanging over Blue's head the whole time. The whole situation is very mysterious and frustrating because of the irony of it all (like we all know who blues going to end up with yet we have to deal with this!?! Really?)

8) A really sad book that makes you cry your eyes out while simultaneously breaking your heart?
This book is actually severely underrated and was surprising the least read book I picked up according to Good Reads last year. Its all about a boy who hasn't spoken in years and a girl who apparently can live for forever. Its really touching the way these two connect and share memories and the ending brought tears to my eyes while touching my soul at the same time. I highly recommend! Especially if your in need of a good cry this valentines.

9) A book filled with blood and gruesome scenes you can't get out of your head?
So this book wasn't gruesome so much as graphic and descriptive. I consider myself a reader that can handle a lot of explicit violence in books (as long as it isn't unnecessary and contributes the the plot) but the opening scene of this and the scene in the end where they explicitly describe the part in which the girl is violated at a college really stuck with me. Maybe its because the girls age isn't that far off from mine or just because it reminded me of the unknown dangers that lurk in the world (or perhaps its that stories like these have really happened that scared me the most) either way this book really stuck with me and I highly recommend!!

10) Whats your favorite anti-valentines day movie?

I love this movie for when I'm in the mood for some mind numbing action filled with sexy cars and a fast paced story line, a perfect movie for Anti Valentines day!

I Tag:

- Cait @ PaperFury
-Aimee @AimmeAlways 
- Michelle @As Told by Michelle 
-Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight
-Marie @ Drizzle an Hurricane Books
-Sophie @ Blame Chocolate  
- Cassandra @Functional Bookaholic
-Many @Book Princess reviews
-Loretta @Laughing Listener 
- Amber @ The Literary Phoenix 

I also tag all you readers out there!!

How do you feel about Valentines day? Do you love it? Hate it? Do you read any books for the occasion? Let me know in the comments below!


  1. I haven't finished The Winner's Curse series... I should sometime, haha. I wasn't in love with the first two books, but have to admit that I am intrigued to see how it all ends, ahah :)
    And ugh yes, that whole Blue and Adam situation was sooooooooooooo annoying at times, haha.
    Lovely answers! Thank you so much for the tag! :)

    1. Oooh you have to finish the Winners Curse series! The last book was amazing!! And IK Adam and Blue.. so got on my nerves!
      Your welcome :)

  2. Aww thanks for the tag!! I love it.😂😂 And I also think Ronan's older brother was also a damp rain cloud hanging over their heads the whole time in The Raven Cycle haha. And omg HEARTLESS. WHY DID IT DO THAT?! (I guess the answer is in the title but sheeesh. I feel like the only character I even like got offed and I was so mad.)

    1. Your Welcome!! And IK Heartless wrecked me (literally tore out my heart and then continued to stomp on it)!! And I also totally agree about Ronan's older brother-- he was a total buzzkill.

  3. THE WINNER'S CURSE BROKE ME!!!! I haven't read the last book yet but I really hope to get a copy soon. T_T I agree about Zoey from Marked. Literally can't remember anything from that book except for the fact that I hated the heroine. XD And yaaaaas to Vampire Academy! Still one of my all-time favorite series for the action AND the romance. ;) Thank you for the tag, lovely!!! <3

    - Aimee @ Aimee, Always

    1. I LOVED THE WINNER'S CURSE SERIES! One of my fav series of all time!! Literally destroyed my heart-- I was frustrated SO many times with them!! Ya Zoey annoyed me too and its safe to say I did not continue with that series at all. LOVE vampire academy! Rose and Dimitri are life!! Your welcome :)

  4. Yayyyy!! I never get tagged in things! I'm so excited! I'm like you--this is not my holiday and I'll probably be working on this tonight to fill the void. Lol. But I'M SO EXCITED TO ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS!! Any excuse to rant about books!!

    Wasn't Heartless AGONIZING?!? I had a hard time with that one because I knew how it ended, so I really fought hard against falling in love with the characters. But how could I not?! And then the ending ripped out my heart and stomped on it. UGH. And I'm totally with you about Blue and Adam. That was an odd relationship to read about because you're right, we all knew who she was ending up with. Plus, I love them both individually but hated them together as a couple. It was like watching two siblings date!

    Anyway, great post!! I'll put mine up this weekend sometime! :D

    1. IK Valentines day just tends to remind me about how single I am and how every time I see a cute couple I am in desperate need of a rom com and a box of chocolate in which to drown my sorrows! The only silver lining is that its a good excuse to make the day a friends night out!
      I SO AGREE about Heartless! Like why do you do this to me Marissa Meyers?!?! Why?!? Also I totally see the sibling thing between Blue and Adam now that you mention it! They were just trying too hard to make that work and we all knew it wouldn't have anyhow.
      Glad your excited about the tag! Happy reading!!

  5. This is SO fun, thanks for tagging me! I feel you about Valentine's Day- it is NOT my favorite. I get so salty and jealous, and that isn't a good look! I agree SO MUCH about Thanks for the Trouble! I know the author has been problematic, which is why it probably wasn't as popular, but it was SO good. I loved it. And yep, the ending of Winner's Curse was EVIL. Especially when I had to wait a year for the next book! Good call about The Raven Boys, too :D

    1. Your welcome! Thanks for the Trouble is a seriously underrated read if you ask me! I thought it was super cute!! And YESSS that ending destroyed me! One of my fav series by far! Thanks for stopping by :)

  6. Thanks so much for the tag! So sorry I missed it the first time around. But I loveddddddd your answers. Omigosh, you just brought me back with Zoey. She literally was the worst main character, yet my poor childhoodself just kept reading up to book six of the series. WHY. Still super sad about the ending of Heartless, too. :( Definitely right about killing off any other Alice books she could do. And you're super right about The Winner's Curse. Wonderful answers, and I super can't wait to do this one. Great post, and thanks again! <3

    1. Your welcome! So glad I'm not alone in my thoughts about Zoey (she was quite annoying if you ask me)! and WHY did Marissa Meyer have to destroy my heart so completely?!?! Why??? Glad you loved the Winners Curse! Such a great book! Glad your excited about the tag :)

    2. Omigosh, no! My friend and I used to hate on her so much, but then we just kept going on with the series so I don't know what was wrong with us. AND I DON'T KNOW BUT IT'S SO NOT NICE. and yes! I keep forgetting to go back to the rest of series, so I think I might have to do yet another reread to get my act together with it. XD

    3. hahaaha and YES! You have to finish the Winners Curse series it is amazing! one of my all time fav series!! (the second book gets so intense!)

  7. Totally agree with you about both Heartless and The Winner's Trilogy. LOVE those! (But, the pain!)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. IK both those books completely tear your heart out! thanks for stopping by :)
