
Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Mini Reviews: Rough Ride by Gillian Archer and Jock Row by Sara Ney

Rough Ride (True Brothers MC #4)

By Gillian Archer

Published: July 24th 2018

Rating: 3.5/5 stars

Summary: Hang on tight. When it comes to love, this loyal soldier plays rough.

Two years ago I would’ve made a play for a guy like “Bam” in a heartbeat. That was before my father died in a puddle of blood in the middle of a parking lot, before I swore off his fellow bikers and their stupid “business.” But I still need answers about what happened to my dad, which is why I’m poking around at a nightclub owned by the Russian mafia. And that’s where I run into Bam, who carries me out of the club in his ridiculously strong arms like I was True Brothers property.

Motorcycle club princess Amber Bennett is the last person I’d expect to see at a club like Howl. She’s flirting with some dangerous people, and it’s my duty to step in and protect her before she gets in over her head. Like I don’t have enough on my mind without cleaning up Amber’s drama. Besides, she’s the definition of off-limits. If only she weren’t so f***ing hot. And determined to take care of everything herself. And oddly vulnerable. Because when we cross the line, I’m forced to choose between my true family — or my true feelings.

Look for all of Gillian Archer’s smoldering True Brothers MC romances:

In a glance:

Steaminess: 3/5
Tension: 3.5/5
Romance:  3/5
Characters: 4/5
Plot: 4.5/5

Okay so this book was pretty good. I have to say that overall I enjoyed it. It had all the bad boy lust that I could desire and I am complete and utter trash for a good biker romance... 

 I must say though there was a couple of things about this book that just did not go over well for me. First of all there was way too much talking and not enough sizzle when it came to the two main characters- Amber and Bam. It seemed like every time there was sexual tension between the two it seemed to skip over those parts and zoom in with razor focus on every conversation the two of them seemed to have! This is fine for those who like focusing on those types of interactions but personally for me I just wanted them to shut up and smooch already!!

 The plot was very well thought out and I loved following every stressful and tender moment. I thought that Amber was a very likable MC and I loved that despite her beauty there was more to her such as her sweetness and her ability to be sassy and strong when it came to the biker club. I also very much enjoyed the weird love triangle like vibes between Ryslan the Russian mafia king and how he was thrown into the mix along with Amber and Bam. 

 Overall this book was a good read that I would recommend to fans of Sons of Anarchoy (this book reminded me SO much of this show- Especially Bam whose description is a dead ringer for Jax) 

**A huge thanks to Netgalley and Random House Publishing Group- Loveswpet for an advanced copy of this book! This does not affect my opinion in any way**

Jock Row 

By Sarah Ney

Rating: 4/5 stars

  Summary: Book One in the JOCK HARD Series

Scarlett is always the sensible one: The sober driver. The planner. The one holding your hair back while you're worshiping the porcelain gods. 

Week-after-week, she visits Jock Row with her friends—the university's hottest party scene and breeding ground for student athletes. And if keeping her friends out of trouble, and guys out of their pants, was a sport, she'd be the star athlete.

Being a well known jock-blocker gets her noticed for all the wrong reasons; just like that, she's banned from Jock Row. NO GUY WANTS A GIRL AROUND WHO KEEPS THEIR JOCK FRIENDS FROM GETTING LAID.

"Rowdy" Wade is the hot shot short-stop for the university's baseball team—and the unlucky bastard who drew the short straw: keep little Miss Goody Two-Shoes out of the Baseball House. 

But week-after-week Scarlett returns, determined to get inside.

In a glance:

Steaminess: 4/5
Tension: 4/5
Romance: 4/5 
Characters: 5/5
Plot: 3.5/5

Ahhh this book was SO much fun and I did not know I needed this in my life!! 

 The banter and the sexual tension WERE LITERALLY SO YAAS in this book I don’t know any better way to describe it. 

  First of all Scarlett is a totally normal college girl who is completly savage one night (unknowingly of cousre) when a couple of baseball guys lie and make some lame pick up lines towards her friends. Scarlett too smart for her own good quickly shuts down the two guys seeing through their BS in seconds which then leads to Scarelt meeting Rowdy- who was chosen to escort Scarlett out of the fratt house- alone on the front porch and thats when things take a turn for the interesting. 

 The books than continues on from there each chapter highlting the Friday and the Friday after that and how their relationship progresses and its filled with so much melty flirting and made my heart melt with the lust of a newborn flirtation!!

 The Sexual tension was also for real in this book. Rowdy is a complete dreamy baseball player and is actually quite funny which I find endlessly attractive so of course my attention was hooked!

I highly recommend this book to readers that enjoy witty banter, cute MC’s, as well as funny sports guys and a realistic yet super addictive relationship that will have you hooked after the first chapter!

What about you guys read any good romance lately? Are you a sucker for a good biker story? What about a guys who plays sports? Let me know in the comments below!

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