Anyways enough about me lets talk books. I’ve been a tad light on the reading lately but thats only because I’ve been so swamped and for some reason seem to be more motivated to watch TV shows rather than read?!?! (I know who even am I?) Well I’m missing reading like crazy but seem to be in a bit of a slump so any recommendations?
Recently finished:
- Dirty Headlines by LJ Shen: loved her book will legit read anything she writes cannot wait for her next release.
- My Secret to Tell by Natalie D. Richards: A solid read with all my fav tropes
Currently reading:

- A Winters Promise: The Mirror Visitor by Christelle Dabos: A huge thanks to Europa for the advanced copy! Unfortunately I'm a bit behind on reading this but so far it sounds good!
Reading next:

- AHHH SO EXCITED FOR THIS. SO EXCITED. DID I MENTION I’M EXCITED!! Kingdom of Ash by SJM comes out on the 23rd and I am prepared but also terrified. Hopefully this read helps me get out of my slump!
What about you guys? What are you currently reading? Any good book recs? Let me know in the comments below!
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