
Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Books I will Sell my Soul for for a Chance to Read!! (AKA my most anticipated 2019 reads)

  Okay so you know what they say... new year NEW BOOKS PEOPLE!! Ahhh this is equally exciting and also stressful because balancing the books I want to read (aka books already on my TBR) with books that are just now coming out this year is so very hard!! Ugh I simply do not have the brain capability to make these decisions therefore I am simply resorting to my handy trustworthy method I’ve relied on for years... winging it.

 However I have complied a list of books I simply cannot get my hands on fast enough... also I can not stop thinking about them... their plot lines are CONSUMING me I need to know the fates of my fictional ships here people! It is essential to my mental well being.

 Any who enough rambling and on to the list!

 (FYI this list is not in any order of which book I’m anticipating the most its just which book happened to come to mind first *wink*)

1. The Wicked King by Holly Black

 I dont think you all understand my severe NEED for this book. Like I think I might just very well die from all the overthinking I’ve done about what could happen in this book and I just need it immediately!

2. King of scars by Leigh Bardugo

Leigh Bardugo... need I say more? 

3. Wicked Saints by Emily Duncan

A books full of dark twisted characters and murders plus its YA fantasy... yup yup yup reading this. 

4. Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson

5. Only a Breath Apart by Katie McGarry

Got an ARC of this (which I should be reading BTW hahahahaha *eyes shift nervously*) however this looks adorable and will hopefully scratch my need for some good YA contemporary romance! 

6. The Kiss Thief by L.J. Shen

 You all know how much I love LJ Shen so of course I’m reading this because to not would be a betrayal against my very self. 

7. Crescent City by Sarah J. Maas

No cover yet :( 

 AHHH ANOTHER SJM BOOK I AM FREAKING OUT and will OF COURSE be reading this!! I am also dying for another ACOTAR’s book.... so fingers crossed I don’t die waiting for that book as well.

8. Her Royal Highness (Royals #2) by Rachel Hawkins

 After finishing Hawkins first book in this series, Royals which I enjoyed IMMENSELY (very funny and light with some rom-com vibes a fabulous combo) I cannot wait for Hawkins companion novel featuring a f/f romance!

9. The Beholder by Anna Bright

 A book thats basically a combination of The Selection + The Bachelorette + Cinderella YAAS PLZ!

10.  Trick (Foolish Kingdoms #1) by Natalia Jaster

 I know I know this book is already published but this doesn’t diminish my utter need for it. A jester playing a dangerous game who develops feelings for a princess who is not so easily tricked!! Ahhh so many books to read and such little time!!!

 Okay. Okay. So now I can freak out a little about how many books I want to read vs the reality that I will most likely read not even half of them (as is my reading patter nowadays *sigh*) But any who what do you guys think? any of these books on your TBR? Find some new ones your dying to read? LMK in the comments below!!


  1. I'm also super excited for so many of these! The Wicked King is one of my highest anticipated reads! I haven't seen The Beholder before, but I love that cover and I'm super intrigued already. I'm reading Wicked Saints right now and it's super good so far! I hope you get to read all of these!

    1. AHHH I’m currently reading The Wicked King and let me say some stuff is going down!!! It is so good so far I highly recommend! The Beholder sounds really good right?? A combo like that is bound of to a success (fingers crossed)! Ugh I’m also dying to read The Wicked Saints it sounds like it was MADE for me. Thanks for stopping by Jordan and I hope you get the chance to read some of these too (especially the Wicked King ;))

  2. This list is so spot on! So many of these are on my tbr too and I'm pretty sure I would die for a chance to read them. Well, die after I finished anyway 😂 And can I just take a moment to say AHHHHHHHHHHH CRESCENT CITY OMGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!

    Okay I'm done. Lol.

    1. AHHHH CRESENT CITY IS GOING TO BE AMAZING!!! I AM SO EXCITED!! SJM is a true queen and I will literally read anything she writes lol the day cannot come soon enough for when that book is published!

  3. Sorcery of Thorns looks soooooooooo good. I've been trying to quiet myself for my excitement for it, but you just reminded me of the intense excitement I have for it. Wonderful post, Jamie! :)

    1. IKR I read the summary and I was like.. okay this is a book I could get behind. I cannot wait for it to be published! Hopefully I won’t be too swamped and I’ll actually have time to read it!
