
Saturday, October 5, 2019

Are You Ready For Sweater Weather? The Autumn Tag

Fall season is upon us... and you know what that means... *tea kettle hisses* *spoons stirring* cozy fireplace reading preferably accompanied by a steaming cup of hot coco (or tea whatever your jam is)....and I thought I’d celebrate this cozy leaf filled season by doing a tag!

This lovely tag can be found over at Jenna @Bookmarkyourthoughts  Her blog is very cute and so much fun so I recommend stopping by :)

Hot chocolate: what is your comfort book?

  • Bloodlines series or The Vampire Academy series by Richelle Mead: I know these are both series featuring vampires and all... but there strangely comforting in a way? Maybe because they have such lovable characters and the plot line is fast and addicting, plus there is a ton of books in each series so its perfect to binge read in the fall season!! (Honorable mention: Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles) 

Pumpkin carving: What is your favorite creative outlet?

  • Blogging, sketching, and painting are probably my top three. I also enjoy collaging with magazine photos as well as cooking. 

Falling Leaves: Changes that appear bad but that you secretly love?

  • Life: The start of a new year, or school year. This time always seems rather intimidating but I kind of find myself thriving with that kind of change?? The meeting new people, the new surroundings/classrooms, just the newness of it all can be very inspiring. 
  • Books: When we all secretly fall in love with the villain in the story.... instead of the one where “supposed” to like (I admit I am guilty of favoring the villain in many book situations I feel like they are just much more boundary less characters who tend to intrigue and surprise more??) 

Pumpkin Spiced Latte: Something you love that others tend to judge

  • Life: My love of literally every genre of music. Like seriously my playlists can be so random... like opera mets Disney mets 80s rock. Some people don't understand (especially the opera haha). Also sometimes people judge my bookworm side?!? (Like you read for fun?? Like yeah... I do and it is AMAZING and y'all should get on track and try it)They just don't get it
  • Books: Ok so I’m a bit of softhearted chica when it comes to when a brig brooding/angsty guy meets a soft/sweet/heartwarming girl and than they find a connection with each other and ahhh.. Also don't kill me but love triangles?? but only on rare rare occasions when they are done right and we all know they end up with the fav ;) 

Bonfire Night: What makes you explode with joy?

  •  Singing (especially in the car with the music blaring), Reading, music, designing, talking about my passions, driving in the car with no destination, being a beach bum, chai lattes. 

Friday Night: Favorite Scary film or book?

  • Not a huge fan of the scary.... but if I had to choose it would for sure have to be on the more phycological side of fear (I just cannot do gory), like The Silence of The Lambs for film and I don’t think I’ve ever read a truly “scary/horror” book.  

Halloween Candy: Favorite thing to eat?

  • Fall food: Hot chocolate, spiced chai, apple cider, soup with a grilled cheese, sweet potatoes
  • All time Fav Food: Tacos, fish or chicken tacos really anything taco

Scarves: Your autumn ‘must’ have accessory? 

  • Combat boots or a good cozy cardigan are some of my fall go to’s. I also really like a good pair of flare jeans or leggings! 

Fire: A book or film that burns your soul?

  • Book: A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas (I just strongly connected to this book at the time I read it and it will forever belong in my heart), The Art of Breaking Things by Laura Sibson (raw, emotional, and very addicting my heart was fully invested in this one) 
  • Film: Baby Driver, The Book Thief, Good Will Hunting, 10 Things I Hate About You (I could go on.. hahaha) 

Toffee Apples: A book or film that seems like one thing but really has a different inside

  • Book: Hold Me Like A Breath by Tiffany Schmidit, this one appears like a quiet love story but in turn was very intense in a very unique way, gripping but also heartbreaking, and a total mind trip at the same time. 

I tag the following fellow bloggers ;)
(No pressure of course! Just for fun!) 

So what are you guys reading this fall? Any fall themed traditions? Feel free to lmk in the comments below! The tag is also free for anyone else to snatch up if they please!!


  1. This was so fun! I love, love, love tacos. They're my go-to food. I also really enjoy fall weather, because I can wear all of my hoodies and jackets, boots and scarves. :)

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 💬

    1. Yesss tacos are SO good! I cant wait for it to start to get a little cooler! I’m ready to wear my fall go to’s! Thanks for stopping by :)

  2. Ah this is such a lovely tag, loved your answers! yes to tacos haha :D

    1. Thank you!! and yes tacos truly are the BEST :))

  3. Thank you for the tag, Jamie!! Ugh, a good cozy cardigan is the besttttttttt. It's honestly my favorite part of fall. And the boots!! It's just the simple things in life. Wonderful answers!! :)

    1. Your welcome :)) and yesss we love r cozy cardigans this season!! Boots are also SUPER fun! love them ;)

      Thanks for stopping by! Happy reading!
