Hey everybody!! Okay so how is it that March is already over?!? like when did that even happen? This month has been such an exhausting month. Between colleges getting back to me, blogging, and squeezing in every possible social event I am EXHAUSTED!
Thank god it is finally spring break!! Time to P-A-R-T-Y (and by party I mean sit on my couch and read all week baby)
Sooo this month has actually been a pretty successful reading month for me (who knew right?) I guess I was able to get my stuff together and actually READ (hallelujah people!) and that may be why I didn’t study for that test (or a few actually...) but hey it was totally worth it because I was able to not only read amazing books but post a review for them on my blog (like who even am I?)

So lets get down to it..
Things that have been going on in my life right now:
- So college acceptances came back... SO I’M JUST OVER HERE TRYING NOT TO FREAK OUT (I seriously have no chill its awful) Its so hard not comparing yourself to other people but I’m doing my best trying not to think about it (books are my escape people!!)
- School has also been kicking my butt... like why you gotta make the last couple months of my high school career so hard teachers! Why?!?!
- But THANK the lord it is finally spring break and I can take a moment to breathe!!! (preferably on a beach some where with a book in my hand if were gonna get specific here)
- I am also low key trying to dress shop because Senior ball is right around the corner.... but I have been procrastinating SO much its not even funny!
- Reading! I also was able to actually finish books this month! yay me!
- Also Easter is tomorrow so Happy early Easter everybody!!
Books I read this month:
1) Splintered by A.G. Howard
2) Reign the Earth by A.C. Gaughen (ARC review- sadly had to DNF this one folks it just wasn’t doing it for me)
3) Ace of Shades by Amanda Foody (another ARC- I was finally getting it together and reading my approved books on Net Galley- loved this book!)
4) Unhinged by A.G. Howard (splintered #2)
5) The Last King by Katee Robert (The kings #1) (another ARC!! man I am on fire! ;) This one was a cute and steamy read)
As you can see by my obsessive mentioning I did happen to finish not one, not two, but THREE arc’s people! Perhaps my Net Galley profile will look a little less neglected... (hey I’m trying to read it all but I’m a mood reader and if I’m not in the mood to read something it doesn’t get read. Its a gift and a curse)
On the blog:
- Book Review: The Cruel Prince by Holly Black (My first five star read of the year and more!)
- The Hype surrounding ARCS, Comparing Myself to other Blogs, and why I Feel like my New Blog is Always Falling Behind
- Discussion post: Do bloggers feel pressure to read more? (are we more likely to read books we don’t like? and other things that influence what a blogger reads)
- ARC review: Reign the Earth by A.C. Gaughen
- ARC Review: Ace of Shades by Amanda Foody
I was able to get three book review posts up this month!! Which I was really excited about (yes finally being productive!! *does happy dance*)
Also I was able to get a couple of discussion posts up as well which I feel like I don’t do enough of on this blog! I really loved all the support and responses I got back from them and hope to do more discussion posts in the future!
What I plan on reading this April:
- Ensnared (splintered #3) by A.G. Howard (cannot wait to finish this series it is AMAZING and I just snagged this from the library today!)
- My Lady Jane by Cynthia Hand (also got this from the library. Aren’t libraries fabulous?)
- Song of Blood and Stone by Penelope L (my first physical ARC!!! I AM FREAKING OUT GUYS!)
- To Kill a Kingdom by Alexandra Christo (I have been wanting to read this for sooo long now hopefully this month will be the month! *crosses fingers*)
Lets Chat!
What have you been up to this month? Read any good books? Any bad books? What new releases are you looking foreword to? Let me know in the comments below!