Tuesday, December 18, 2018

December/January TBR and Book Haul!

Hey everybody!! Happy Holidays!! So happy to be back blogging with you guys! Had to take a little bit of a breather there do to the heckticness of FINALS! (my god that was death. Completely took away my reading time and I felt like I was missing a limb) any who back on the blog now and happy to be doing so.

 Reading. I want to do more of it. I need to do more of it. The books I want to read heavily agree with me on this (I mean there amazing and I have been neglecting them like a book hater who disregards the fabulousness that is books)

 As a result of this neglectfulness my Goodreads challenge is punishing me and saying I’m a book behind... maybe even two books. SO as you can see finals messed with all my prioritizes and now I’m in jeopardy of not completing my Goodreads challenge (this is a code RED situation here folks) so I thought I’d get my brain in order here (whatever left of it after finals) and organize what books I need to read here:

Library Haul:

Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor

Just started this last night and I’m intrigued... 

Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes

Heard good things about this series and it kinda gives me Game of Thrones vibes... very excited to dig into this

Truly Devious by Maureen Johnson

This has been on my radar for quite some time so I’m hoping it is just as good as promised!

Physical books (aka paid for w my own money and the reason I’m so broke):

Vicious by VE Scwab

Picked this up at the bookstore and am SO EXCITED I LOVE VE SCWAB SHE IS A GODDESS!! AHH!


The Au Pair by Emma Rous

I’m about half way through this and so far enjoying... a little bit of upper class mystery going on here. I like it. 

Other books I’d like to get around to some time:


What about you guys? Any books planned for this month? Next month? On your holiday wishlist? Let me know in the comments below!


  1. Oh this is such a good TBR! I really enjoyed This Savage Song, as well as The Night Cicus, I hope you'll love both :)
    Happy reading! :)

    1. Ahhh I’ve heard such great things about both of those books so I need to read them ASAP!!! Victoria Schwab is one of my fav authors so hopefully I’ll get around to the Savage Song after I read her other book Vicious. I started The Night Circus a while back but ended up putting it on pause so again looking to pick that up again sometime soon! Thanks for stopping by :)


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Hi there! After almost three years with Blogger I’ve decided to finally make the switch to Wordpress! While I’ve enjoyed using blogger as a ...

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