
Monday, July 30, 2018

July Wrap Up (trying to survive the heat, my disappointing reading accomplishments, school, and more)

Hey it that time a month again when the months coming to a close and we all reflect on our reading accomplishments (including me signing dramatically at how I never seem to get enough reading done)

My month in a nutshell:

  • July was a pretty consistent and uneventful month. I did some reading, I watched a few new TV shows (the bachelorette anybody?), and most importantly laid around like a bum and did nothing with a fan and a tub of ice just trying to survive the summer heat. (I’m literally sweating just thinking about it)
  • I did manage to read a couple of pretty good books... lovers of Holly Black anywhere? L.J. Shen? 
  • But I am in a bit of a reading funk and let me tell you it is not fun my friends. I feel like I don't even know who I am as a reader anymore! *dramatic sigh* all I want is a magical dragon to show me the ways of reading once more so I can’t stop lying around watching netflix and actually remember how to pick up a book and FINISH IT! 
  • Theres all the little fun fact that I only have less than ONE MONTH before school starts up again *yikes* 

Books I read this month: 

  • I read a whopping 5 books this month (you can see how motivated I was... go me?) 
  • I also got really sucked into reading a bunch of irrelevant (but highly addicting) smut this month.. hence the loads of shirtless books covers (you know you love them even if their obnoxious and make you embarrassed to be seen reading in public *glances around to see if anyone notices book covers* *hastily checks them out* *mission accomplished*)

  • White Cat by Holly Black- I was really surprised by how unique this book was! I don't read a lot of YA that only has a male narrator and this book was all kinds of amazing (cons, cats, other trips stuff that will literally glue your butt to the couch until you finish this book)

  • Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas- This series is all kinds of amazing (still they don’t top ACOTAR for me but there entertaining nevertheless) Since this book is like a textbook (600 pages or something crazy like that) I feel like I should get extra credit and it should be worth completing two books instead of one.. hey I’m just sayin. 

  • Empire of Storms by Sarah J. Maas- this book was my fav so far in the series... mainly because of Lorcan and Elide!! Hells to the ya! Again this book should be a one for two in reading credits because it was damn long!

  • Rough Ride by Gillian Archer- Cute biker smut what else is there to say?

  • Jock Row by Sara Ney- LOVED this anyone who needs a feel good smutty book I highly recommend! 

On the blog: 
  • I changed up my blog design!! Let me know what you all think in the comments below!! (also hit me up if theres anything I should change to make my blog experience more accessible/ aesthetic)
  • Completed a fun little tag called the Relationshipper Tag.. super fun because I got to rant about all my favorite ships! Check it out here
  • Also I got up my first ever PHYSICAL ARC review so I’m super pumped about that! A huge thanks to St.Martins Press for sending me a copy *sends rainbows and love*  
  • I also wrote a post about some new indie publishers I discovered and that was really great and fun! I always love to discover new publishers especially when I’m looking for unique books to blog about (my TBR can survive a few more book without killing me in my sleep right?)
  • #Mail Monday was a super fun new post I tagged along in in which I discussed my book haul for the week! I’m hoping to make it more of a regular thing but... were just gonna have to see where the wind blows me bc I’m not much of a planner (trying to work on that rn)
  • Also due to my obsessive TV watching (and my baby reading slump) I decided to mix it up here on the blog and do a new post I like to call TV Thursday in which I give a quick summary about the shows I’m currently watching! LMK what y’all think about that. 
  • Overall I’m pretty happy with how much I was able to post this month (summer is good for these sorts of things) I’m hoping to post more and more consistently but with the start of school around the corner were just going to have to see how things go!

Posts I loved from around the blogosphere: 

  • Princess of pages did a really fun post that I did awhile back called The Sunshine Blogger Award she’s also new to the blogging world and highly recommend you stop by and check out her blog!
  • Books and Co did a lovely book review for a book I didn’t even know existed so super grateful I stumbled upon that (Its called All These Beautiful Strangers in case you were wondering :)
  • The Book Cover girl discusses what makes a book good? and how she picks her 5 star reads. I always love her discussion posts and highly recommend checking them out!
  • Aimmee @Aimme Always did a great post about blogging organization and I LOVED her spreadsheet for ARCS! Her post are always amazing and I highly recommend checking this one out!

Congrats on another month down my lovely readers! What about you all? Reach your reading goals for the month? Read any books that became instant favorites? Or any books you instantly hated? Let me know in the comments below!


  1. I had a great book month but I was also on summer vacation. Not all of it shows up on my blog... Because that JUST launched mid-month ( August will about learning to balance it all. I will probably feel more like this at the end of August!

    1. Congrats on launching your blog! Welcome to the blogging world 😊 I hope August is a successful reading month for the both of us (man I just hope I finish at least one book 😬) thanks for stopping by!

  2. Oooooh, I'm really liking the new design, Jamie!! I like the flower in the background, and it has a nice flow to it overall. And oh no about the slump!! I hope you get out of it soon. I know the moment I get into one I always start to question myself like, WILL I EVER READ AGAIN? AM I EVEN STILL A READER? DO I KNOW HOW TO READ???? Wonderful post, and I hope August goes amazing for you! :)

    1. Thank you!!! I thought I would try something new so glad you like it! Also I hope my slump doesn’t last I haven’t been able to finish a super long book... but hopefully that won’t last. Thanks for stopping by and happy reading!
